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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



Please note  there is an important notice to read regarding the future of this site ... see link below :-


Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Update on Suggestions for rejuvenating the Forum JANUARY 2023


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Hi Folks ... As activity on the Forum has reached quite a low  level  I have  sent out a newsletter   to encourage  Members   to  use the Forum and ask that any  suggestions  to help improve  the experience,  should  be posted here on this thread.  If you have any ideas about how to improve the Forum  please use this thread. Thanks .

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Sorry James .. It was a bit hard to synchronise the timing  of the news letter  being sent and  the thread being ready if members wanted to respond to it  as  I composed  the  draft copy and sent it very late last night to Rye  for him to post it out to Members ...  Hopefully  you will have it very soon  .... probably  by now , you will!😉

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I like this forum, and my participation is roughly in line with my enthusiasm for having a "proper" camera in hand (rather than just a phone). I'm not one for sharing photos on Instagram and the like because it feels a bit self promotional and I'm not in it for self promotion, but I'm comfortable sharing here because I feel like the members have a genuine interest in seeing other people's work and having honest discussion about the parts they do and don't like. I think that process benefits everybody, author, participant, and observer.

The future of a forum such as this, or any online community, is steady influx of new active users so it'd be worth thinking about ideas that might attract new users. People need to know that TIPF exists, and need to have a reason to join in.

Simply "more members" isn't enough, you need more actively participating members who share the motivations and values of the community. We all like the vibe of the forum but would like more of it.

I really like the idea from MattGrey about submitting what the community consider their "best" images to Amateur Photographer Magazine. It'd be a great hook to get people aware and interested in the forum and would add an element of credibility to the forum. If not Amateur Photographer then something else. The pattern could be to start publishing our best work outside of the forum for more eyes to see and start putting out the word that there's this super friendly forum who are producing some really top notch imagery and everyone is welcome to join in.

If you're to engage with new young members then perhaps some technical things can be done to make the forum more accessible to them. For example the ability to post photos directly from their Google Photos, Instagram, iCloud, etc etc.

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I will be back soon. I have had to take some time out in 'rest & recovery' mode, so have not been active at all. I would never walk away from this forum because you have all been my 'distant family' for ages!! 

Haven't been able to do any photography and I'll probably start again with things you have already seen, but I'll be here and enjoying browsing around the forum again.

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If the forum is to actively seek new members, the pages up time does need looking at.  It isn't uncommon for the page to go down for an hr here, an hr there. Doesn't bother me so never complained, but I can see this putting off many new people....unless it's only me that has this issue? 


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6 hours ago, MattGrey said:

If the forum is to actively seek new members, the pages up time does need looking at.  It isn't uncommon for the page to go down for an hr here, an hr there. Doesn't bother me so never complained, but I can see this putting off many new people....unless it's only me that has this issue? 


On the topic of outages. I noticed it was unavailable for a few minutes about an hour ago. For the Admins, it looked DNS related.

$ ping tipf.co.uk
ping: tipf.co.uk: Temporary failure in name resolution
$ dig tipf.co.uk

; <<>> DiG 9.16.1-Ubuntu <<>> tipf.co.uk
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached


Edited by trcooke
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I have to say I have not had this happen except once when we had a problem a few years ago … I will have to investigate … thanks for the info … Has anyone else been getting instances where the site goes down regularly for periods of time like Matt and trcooke ? I’ll check with the rest of Admin…..

Meanwhile thanks Denis and trcooke for your input… the discussion  is a vital part of our attempt to keep the Forum relative and active and  maintaining a presence that has an energy that encourages participation . Your views and suggestions as members is really the fuel for the engine so please tell us what you like and don’t like about the Forum …..like the old adage says … “use it or lose it “ so we really need to know your feelings on the subject …   Thanks .. 

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Hi everyone. I have not been around for a few months due to a close family bereavement and all the admin assoociated with such an event. I am once again in the frame of mind (and have the time) to participate but need a bit of technical advice. I have replaced my laptop and need to re-input the size limititation for uploaded shots - maybe someone could help.

I have read the posts and this thread and am inclined to agree with Denis regarding lack of feedback. I am not necessarily looking for plaudits (although they are always welcome) but a bit constructive criticism can be quite educational. Perhaps the ethos of "the friendly forum" makes people reluctant to criticise but from my point of view you can love me, hate me but please don't ignore me!

I also agree with Matt Grey with his Instagram suggestion, potentially exposing the forum to a wider audience.

Also, while this would not expand our membership per se but the occasional awaydays provided a bit of mortar to hold us together. These had to die a  death during lockdown of course but maybe it is time to revive this practice.


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  • 2 weeks later...
10 minutes ago, Clicker said:

Good grief .... never seen that before Matt ... I'll have a word with Phil  and Ryewolf ....Has anyone else had this happen ?

It was the first time I got these as well.  Often get page unavailable for a minute or two now and then, but never seen these before.

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We will investigate ... anyone else had this happen ? We are taking note of your comments and suggestions folks so thank you for your input ... We are discussing the  merits etc   of   a social media profile  though I have to admit  that I do not use Facebook and Instagram so I think I would have to take advice  on  the pros and cons of  our involvement.  Really appreciate  all your responses Gang ...👍

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20 hours ago, MattGrey said:

Often get page unavailable for a minute or two now and then

Our host is not particularly fast (budget package to keep the finances down), which is why you may occasionally see this, but your error is a new one on me.

I'll keep an eye on this topic for updates.

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2 hours ago, Phil said:

Our host is not particularly fast (budget package to keep the finances down), which is why you may occasionally see this, but your error is a new one on me.

I'll keep an eye on this topic for updates.

My immediate thought about @MattGrey's error would be that he caught the servers in the process of an upgrade.

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I've only just come across this thread by accident. I didn't receive a newsletter, if that was what should have happened??? 

Clicker, in answer to your question about outages; I have never experienced an outage (which is kind of ironic given I'm in Australia)

I am glad to be having this discussion having been somewhat concerned for a while about the drop off in members posting to the forum. I agree with Dennis that lack of feedback on photos posted is discouraging. We probably need a critical mass of members willing and able to provide  constructive feedback: increasing the membership seems a worthwhile aim for that reason. I appreciate MattGrey's suggestion of using social media platforms, like Instagram, to do that, as well as MattGrey's idea of submitting what the community consider their "best" images to Amateur Photographer Magazine.  Could we post the Photo Of The Week or choose the a Photo Of The Month (POTM), or some other way of selecting the best images.

Personally I really like challenges and benefited from participating in the weekly challenge we had a few years ago. Having committed to posting a photo every week, I had to get creative to take and post a photo every week even when I had no opportunity to take photos of my favourite subjects. I'm a believer in the idea that restrictions support creativity....


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3 hours ago, Clicker said:

Hmmm  you should have received the newsletter Cheryl ...I will check  with Rye  ... 

For some reason, I don't think a lot of members got the Newsletter we sent out, I used the bulk email option in the admin but only 150 emails were sent - I didn't get ant email either....

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