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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Windows 10.


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Just installed on my desktop....ONE PROBLEM....windows too big for the screen...it's driving me mad!!!!!!!!!

Have you got this sorted?
Holding 'Ctrl' and pressing '+' or '-' will increase/decrease screen size.

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Barbara, you can adjust this by right clicking on the desktop, and then Display settings, if you haven't tried this already.

Thanks Tina.  Managed to sort it Just wasn't looking in the right place :(

Have you got this sorted?Holding 'Ctrl' and pressing '+' or '-' will increase/decrease screen size.


Thanks Phil

Tried this but it only changed the size of the DT icons but sorted now :)


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  • 1 month later...

Reviving this  ~

Has anyone had any probs  with their AV during or after upgrading, please?


I got a virus (well, daughter did) using Win 10 and the inbuilt Windows Defender.

Took a while to get it sorted, but I now run Avira, which is excellent.


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Did you/she get it while downloading it, Paul?  I've got a spare licence that I could use before I download 10 but wondered if 10 might muck it up!  

Rachel was using a web article called Polyvore, where she puts allsorts of things on it - normally there is no problem, but for some reason, one day, once Windows 10 had been installed, and she had started using the new browser "Edge", suddenly whenever we launched the Edge Browser it went to a spam site:



Once I had got rid of the virus (took a while, but luckily, it's not one of those which damage your computer, it just took over the browser) I started researching AV programs.


Free ones are plentiful, but one of them (Avira) is rated as the most effective out there, and so far, it has run perfectly, without hogging system resources. It also came recommneded to me by a member of staff at Europe's largest AV Test companies.


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Reviving this  ~

Has anyone had any probs  with their AV during or after upgrading, please?

Reason I ask is that I'm getting a small 2 in 1 for husband and wondered whether to upgrade to 10 and then install AV or t'other way around - I've got a 3 machine licence. Also have an Office 10 CD that I've never used/activated so was thinking of putting that on as well.

2 in 1 for a husband isn't a bad deal, as long as the two parts aren't the "going out for a pint with the lads" and the "slobbing on a sofa while you do all the work".

(Having made a very poor joke, I must confess that even reading your post upside down, I still haven't a clue what you meant!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Was advised by a rellie in IT to wait till March ... Still free  but by then any probs may have been ironed out ... I have heard printer compatibility can be a problem... I m concerned about my family history  programme ... Haven't had time to look into that but may have to upgrade it  first ... I understand here you're coming from RW ... I feel the same ....


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I'll have to set aside some time I think to investigate it .....I'm using FTM 2012. Version.. I started with 2006 and upgraded every few years but stopped at the "12" version .  I had heard there were issues with synchronising with Ancestry too on some earlier versions (pre '14)

My laptop is running on Windows 7. Of course I am still anticipating an iMac in the near future too and still working my way through so many files I have collected over the years ... I still have all the restored pics we worked on since '06!!! Thousands of em...I bet you have too:lol:Jeez Judy ...where did we ever fit in the time to work? 

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  • 6 months later...

A late entry to the upgrade to W10 brigade, but can anyone answer one or to questions before i hit the 'sod it and go ahead' button??

First, I have a 64 bit version of windows 7, will it automatically give me a 64 bit windows 10 or will it only be a 32 bit installation?

Will my version of W7 Home edition with a 16 GB limit to usable RAM allow me to use the full 32Gb I have installed??

Will my lightroom and plugins be ported over without a problem?

These to start unless i find other burning questions :)


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Ta Phil,

I have read that the 64 bit version would give a limit of  usable RAM up to 128GB, my 64 bit W7 Home premium currently only lets me use 16 GB out of the 32 GB installed. You doubt that W10 would let me have a usable 32 GB eh?

This is the one thing that I wish to nail down a positive answer to :)

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Bill, I can only speak from my own experience but, my laptop is now approaching 5 years old, purchased with W7 installed, upgraded to W8, then W8.1, and have now been running W10 for almost a year. I can honestly say that I've experienced no issues whatsoever, it runs so much faster, and a lot more reliable, all updates are seamless and in the background. I've had absolutely no software compatibility problems at all.
Don't get me wrong, the machine is now showing its age, no USB 3 or OpenCL, but all in all it chugs along nicely.

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Phil, I am probably classed as a control freak! If I had a laptop I would prob chance it, but I am not going to chance it on my desktop. Maybe when I next do a clean install! (I love to make work). I know a few folks who like you have upgraded and had no issues at all. I just like the option to choose which updates I install.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Ron

Hi Dee, you shouldn't have any problems.

When I changed over I didn't have any and like Phil said earlier, software compatibility was fine with no issues.

Also like Phil I think W10 is so much better than what has gone before.

Hope you enjoy it.


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