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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by Fogey

  1. One of the most famous fractals is the Mandelbrot set, also known as the father of all fractals. Firstly defined in the 1978 , it was later computed and visualised by the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1980 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD2XgQOyCCk&ab_channel=tthsqe12 I find these fractals fascinating. It's interesting to note a lot of the patterns generated can be found in nature with Fibonacci's sequence.
  2. Fogey

    POTW ending 8th Nov

    Well done Craig. Great choice, Kate.
  3. Congratulations, a great choice - it had POTW written all over it.
  4. Well done Cheryl, a worthy winner.
  5. Let me say from the outset - this is not a fishing exercise. I recently had a one to one session with a professional wildlife photographer, as I felt that as an amateur photographer I would benefit from the professional touch, at a cost of £150. This gentleman had a full frame camera and advocated using aperture priority and controlling the shutter speed by increasing the ISO, so high in fact he achieved a shutter speed of 1/3200th sec. Now I have a 1.5 crop sensor camera, which means that if I followed what this gentleman said, then I would return an image so grainy as to be unusable. He couldn't advance on my knowledge of the exposure triangle, although he did give me some valuable pointers of the better settings on the camera. All in all, I would estimate the value of what I learned to be in the region of £50 - £75. You live and learn. One thing I did realise is that I have moved on from being an amateur to a seasoned amateur. The moral of the story is don't do yourself down. I certainly did and it cost me to find out differently.
  6. This is an interesting thread. As a new member, I can only contribute what I have experienced here and share my experiences of other forums that have died a death. Let me start with my take on why forums die a death. In my view, there are two things that will spoil a forum and that is to have an associated page in social media sites and a shout box. These two things will stop people posting in the actual forum, where the forum then loses its identity. Cliques within a forum. This perception can only be alleviated by encouraging new members to post images, ask questions, and get involved. We have to accept that when we post a photograph we have taken and are proud of, we post a little bit of ourselves as well - and both the photograph and the author are being scrutinised. Now if the person posting is a brass necked, thick skinned individual, all well and good - but somebody who is not so confident and is a beginner, would find posting their efforts against a seasoned photographer daunting. So I agree entirely that we should be offering the techniques we used to get the shot without being asked and to offer gentle constructive critique when asked. I have explained on a couple of occasions what I have done to achieve a particularly demanding shot and I hope members will benefit from that description. There are a plethora of things that can be done to encourage members to post, but remember this: The members are the forum, the site is merely a platform for that membership to flourish. I have found this forum welcoming in the extreme, the comments warm, friendly, constructive and on occasions, funny. And that, folks, is my penny ha'porth.
  7. I stand in awe of you Fooj, and that is coming from another failed 11 plus student who suffered dyscalculia and passed A level Art and A level English language and literature in later life. So let me see; you are an artist, illustrator, author, photographer, teacher, social worker, carpenter, toy maker, wood turner and still going strong at 82. Ummm! what do you know about cooking?
  8. My Life!, Fooj You are a veritable source of surprises and no mistake. You Sir, are a very talented man. Have you had any training at all in fine art? Or is it a case of developing a natural gift over the years.
  9. A nice series, John. My favourite is the old guy fishing - what a great fishing rod.
  10. Oh! Wow. I'm really lost for words, (and that's a first). Thank you very much, I'm really chuffed to bits and feeling a tad embarrassed. Thank you again.
  11. Fogey


    Hello Kate and Gareth. Old friends indeed. Thank you for the welcome. And no, Polly. I had no idea Kate and Gareth were here. I found the site through a search engine.
  12. I'm getting seriously worried about the dictatorship that is beginning to unfold Perhaps it's because they no longer believe the spiel that's spewed by the powers that be. Lets be fair the directions given have changed more times than the weather.
  13. Fogey


    There are two sides to this coin. The hoi poloi who are expected to interpret the guidelines to satisfy the Government mandarins and those people who interpret the guidelines on behalf of the Government mandarins. Take for instance the man who was censured for ignoring social distancing by moving his chair next to his Mum to comfort her at his Dad's funeral. Take also my experience. When my wife was in hospital earlier this year. (not covid related), I received a telephone call to say she had taken a turn for the worse, was very confused and was close to death. When I said I was on my way to the hospital to see her I was told in no uncertain terms the hospital was on lockdown and I wouldn't be admitted. An hour later I received another phone call telling me she had died and I could go and see her, 'to say my goodbyes'. I have never been so angry and I wish nothing but ill will to those moronic jobsworths who denied me the chance to say goodbye to my wife while she was still alive. There are similar stories reported daily over these ridiculous restrictions. Now is it any wonder the Hoi poloi are cocking a snoot to the powers that be about this damned virus. I will lead my life the way I want and will not be told by these mandarins, to what, how when and why. I have the ability to use common sense and keep myself safe; I don't need Bumbling Boris telling me what I should do. Rant over!
  14. I agree with you. If they were mine I would bin them.
  15. Fogey


    Thank you all for the warm welcome. This is just what the doctor ordered.
  16. Fogey


    Hello everybody. A line to introduce myself, I have been interested in photography for the last 40 years, but haven't touched my cameras for the last 4 years as I was caring for my wife. Now I have all this time on my hands, I've dusted off the photographic gear and started to fulfil my bucket list. I look forward to posting some pics in the near future.
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