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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


I'm an Ambassador

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I've been shooting macro with a LAOWA lens for since November 2015.


It would seem that this has been taken into consideration, when a member of a LAOWA group that works at the lens manufacturing company kindly offered to let me be an ambassador for the brand. Basically, share my images around and help generate awareness and hopefully some sales for them by suitably impressed web page visitors, be it in forums or via social media, just by adding some links here and there, which are recorded by an Affiliate Account I have now set up with them.


It's quite a coup for me to be accepted - I am by far nowhere near as accomplished as some, though hopefully accomplished enough to have people take some notice. The really nice thing for me is that as an ambassador, I could occasionally be sent lenses to play with and help promote by said images and links.


I am really lucky, that since 2015, since having the Venus 60mm, and then after a break from photography for many months, being fortunate to be the recipient of a generous no strings attached loan of a second Venus 60mm lens courtesy of Geoff, which I am still using as my daily go to lens, that I have been given an opportunity to use other lenses if I am selected by LAOWA which they might choose to send me, be it for "Have a go with this" reasons, or be it "Will you trial this?" reasons.


Amazingly, to start of this association with them, I have been sent their LAOWA 15mm f/4 wide angle macro lens to have a play with! Isn't that wonderful? How fortunate am I to have a chance to shoot with something other than my stock equipment? (Well, Geoff's equipment as well...) This lens is so different from anything I have seen, let alone used!

The close focussing distance lets the subject almost touch the glass, it goes that close to get 1:1 and it's hard to get that near to a subject (I've discovered!) but because it is a WA lens that gives close-ups it's very niche - very hard to use, but the potential for fun is always there...


Anyway, I have got 4 photo's showing this lens off which I took on Sunday. 







So thanks again to LAOWA, and to Geoff.  😀



Edited by Paul
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Oh wow that  is great news  for you Paul ...Congratulations ....and what a great set to start  with  using this lens ...a wide angle macro !! I just love the first  image of what look like either berries from a  Rowan ( Mountain Ash )or Cotoneaster . I am very interested  as it appears to  lend itself to really creative images ... I imagine Lighting might be  quite challenging with such a close focus but it sounds very exciting ... Something I would really love to try out with my floral photography ... ..Hmmmm I have a birthday soon ....😂

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There's a greater challenge to be found I think, if you need to add flash - it just wouldn't be practical, so natural light is probably the only way to use it. I may try to see if I can use the ringflash sometime, but for now, it's day time jaunts if I have the time (and inclination - cos I prefer the 2:1 but this lens just begs to get an outing).


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Paul, I'm really pleased that you've got to try other Laowa lenses, to be honest I knew in my heart it was a poor decision for you to part with your own Laowa Venus lens, which was my reason for loaning you mine and your record so far this year for POTW justifies that decision, so keep up the good work. Once again well done Paul.

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Well done Paul, no surprise to many of us really as your talent and expertise are renowned here. Just so good for you to get wider recognition for all of your creative work, a big round of applause to you!


Edited by Denis
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Fuji X-T3 Paul ... you can see all my photographic equipment listed  underneath my posts    ... yeah I suspect it may be the Nikon F to Fuji X mount  may be compatible  but would like confirmation really ... thanks ... appreciate you asking  ... 

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