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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


The TIPF Big Day Out 2016


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For some time now the idea that we should have a forum meet has been discussed. Then it’s been shelved, then discussed, then rejected, then discussed, then partially shelved, then partially discussed etc, etc, etc. Well…

Of late, Phil, Black Pearl and myself have considered the matter in a fair bit of detail and here’s what we’ve decided.

On Saturday 11th June 2016, the three of us will be meeting in York for a nice day out. We’ll be having coffee and lunch and plenty of photo opportunities and we’d be absolutely tickled pink if you could join us.

Apart from the date and the venue, nothing is yet set in stone, but here’s what we thought might happen…

We meet for morning coffee and introductions and handshakes (no hugs, I don’t do hugs) at 10.30am.

Then we take a little photo walk around the city centre - plenty to see and photograph.

At around 12.30 we retire to one of York’s historic pubs (a bit of research required to find the best one) for lunch and a pint.

About 2.00pm we can then saunter over to the National Railway Museum (free admission) to spend the afternoon taking photographs and generally bimbling around until we fancy another pub or cafe visit.

Then it’s a few goodbye handshakes (no hugs, I don’t do hugs) and we can carry on ’seeing’ each other over the ether.

So… How does all that sound to you?

If you’re not familiar with it, York is a great place to spend a day with a camera. It’s easy to get to by road or rail and, if you fancy making a weekend of it, there’s lots of places to stay and eat.

As I said, only the date and venue are fixed, so if you have any ideas or if you know York well and you’d like to act as our guide, speak up.

We’d really like to see as many of you as possible, and that’s the reason why we’re planning this so early in the year. I’ll bump this thread a few times until the end of February, by which time we hope to have an idea of numbers and should have done a bit of research so that we can book tables at the best pub in town!

You'll have to pay for your own lunch, but I think Phil and BP and myself could possibly cover the bill for the morning coffee and cake.


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Somebody is going to have to have a laptop with Skype on it!! Never mind the timing, middle of the night here, I don't care I'll be available to chat, preferably when quite a few are together. 

Don't do hugs, Lord Korkington - h'mmm, I think you do :yes :yes

Please keep me 'in the loop' for this one, and Brian may be in it too.

Edited by Kobione
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Days not good for me ( more than likly in Bridlington as they are having there first 1940's day)

but could i suggest if you are going by car the cheapest parking is the park and ride £2 70p return ( 2 kids 16- with every full paying adult free) £1 if a bus pass is available



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am toying with the idea of joining in on this. I could probably break my journey up from Southern Softyshire by staying at Ma in laws on Friday night, she lives in... *shudder*.... Mablethorpe, so from there to York should only take 1 and half hours at the most :happy:...and I do like York !

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1 minute ago, Denis said:

I am toying with the idea of joining in on this. I could probably break my journey up from Southern Softyshire by staying at Ma in laws on Friday night, she lives in... *shudder*.... Mablethorpe, so from there to York should only take 1 and half hours at the most :happy:...and I do like York !

You know it makes sense

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On 26/01/2016 at 14:37, Korky said:

I forgot to mention that wives / husbands / partners / children / dogs / cats / rabbits and ponies are most welcome.

Perhaps someone can persuade BP to bring along Jasper!


oh dear... can't go... the Pony won't fit in the car!!

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I will try and get there Korky but I cant confirm yet. The wife is to have a knee op around end of May early June but still waiting for a date. Depends on the date as she will be off her feet for a few days afterwards.


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16 hours ago, Korky said:

When I saw you'd replied to this thread I expected to hear you'd booked your train ticket. It'd be great if you could make it, Herr Lumix.


It would, indeed it would. Sadly I'd need a team of OTs and physio's to make it happen! It's a journey much too far.

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