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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Christmas Fun!


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It'd be nice if as many folk as possible were to add to this thread over the next 24 hours.

Tell us a joke, show us a photo, have a rant, give a pat on the back or just send us your bestest wishes. Owt ya fancy!

I'll add my two bob's worth when a few more have replied.



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3 hours ago, Black Pearl said:

Well thats me finished for Christmas, the boss decided it wasn't worth opening on Sunday and being his own company he fancied an extra day off so its feet up, bottle of wine open, cheese & crackers on the table and a crappy film on the TV.


Sounds like a typical Christmas then ... :lol:

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Not a fan of Christmas I just see it as 5 days off work (10 if I count weekends/bank holiday) and a load of hassle.

Wifey is at work for all but 2 days of my 10 days off so its egg and chips for our Christmas dinner. We have had beans on toast and pizza in previous years although the pizza was in Barcelona.

I will be off out walking the dogs on Christmas day when the lady of the house has gone to work just need to decide on coast or country.



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Anyroadup........ The other day there I am waiting at the supermarket checkout and in front me is an elderly lady who's being attended by a jolly Checkout Professional who just happens to be dressed as an elf. All the lady's shopping is whizzed through the scanner at full Christmas speed and the price comes to £79.56. In true old school fashion, all the tins, bottles and packets get carefully packed into bags before the customer gets out her purse and counts out her money to discover she only has £72.00. She's £7.56 short of paying for her shopping.

Now this lady looks like someone's granny and I like to think if she were my granny some kind person would step in and solve her problem. So that's what I do.

"Excuse me" I say, "I can see you're having a bit of trouble here and I'd love to help".

"Oh, goodness me" she replies, "are you sure? That really would be appreciated. I'm eighty-four, you know".

The deed done, I'm walking back to my car with a fully-loaded trolley and I'm feeling so pleased that I've been able to offer a helping hand when it was needed.

And it was no big deal, it took less than five minutes to put all her food back on the shelves.


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Never Shop on Christmas Eve (at any time)...

It's Christmas Eve, at 10am...
I went to Asda, a few final bits...
Already it's packed, people have gone mad...
Trolley's are full, is it the end of the world...?
No, it's Christmas Eve.....

Five minutes later, I've got my things...
Checkout's are busy, all in full swing...
Back to the car, thinking it all done...
But 20 minutes later and I'm still there...
The end of the world? No, it's Christmas Eve....

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1 hour ago, kev7d said:

Good one Rye.  I have often wondered why some folk need to buy every loaf of bread as though the shop won’t open for 6 months.  

Too true. Yesterday, I couldn't get into our local Waitrose car park at 0845! Fortunately I'm near enough to walk if I leave out the heavy stuff none of which was critical.

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Nice to see a few of you getting into the spirit by joining in this Christmas mish-mash (try saying that after four large vodkas and a pint of Frosty Jack). I was rather hoping that Sir Philip might've left us a Yuletide message, but I suspect he'll be freezing his catangas off waiting to catch a four-second glimpse of Megan Markle as she wafts past the throng of well-wishers at Sandringham.

I shall be enjoying a traditional northern Christmas Day: the 65 inch Samsung is already fired up and sweating and I shall be watching Spiderman in UHD just as soon as I've finished here. Of course I'll be popping into the kitchen every now and again to check that Mrs K is cooking everything to my exact requirements (and offering a little advice should it be needed). This year we've opted for the Mary Berry Perfect Christmas and, when I checked at 9.00am, Mrs K was struggling to stuff the mongoose vol au vents. I smiled sweetly and left her to it as her language can turn a little industrial when she's under pressure.

Updates as we progress through the big day!


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On 06/12/2015 at 08:42, Phil said:

I know we have our 'bah, humbug' members that sneer and roll their eyes, so this will apply to all.

What does Christmas mean to you?

Post images that depict your perfect Christmas, post any Christmas related images, pull it to pieces, sing its praises, love it, hate it, tell us why. Banter time!

Well, Sir Philip, it's your thread. How about saying hello?



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It was a year+2 days ago that my closest friend passed away, after 45+ years, there's still a huge hole in my life and Christmas just isn't the same now.....

RIP Dave......

(Taken October 2014)



I've no kids and no family left, so I don't bother with Christmas - Winter-Solstice is another matter though :8_laughing:

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Thank you Clicker and you're right, I've 45 years of great memories with him and his 'family' (He never made friends, he created a family).  (Un)Luckily, most of the photos aren't fit for public consumption laugh1.gif.6e9ad8a6248c0dc5fec66862c21f1b6b.gif - What made it worse is that the rest of the 'family has either moved to t'other corners of the country, or joined him.

Still, we're now on our way to warmer days (supposedly), so I'll be out more with my camera yaaayyyy! :27_sunglasses:


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