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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Greetings from Stowmarket, Suffolk


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Greetings to all.

My name is Rob Taylor & I live in Stowmarket in Suffolk. Originally I come from Dewsbury in West Yorkshire but found myself in Suffolk after completing a military career. I am now retired but not yet at retirement age I am pleased to say. All my adult life I have wanted to get into photography, but when one has a family, mortgages, cars, holidays etc to finance then photography had to be 'put in the background' so to speak.

However, now I have retired & the family has 'flown the nest' I can now really get involved in photography in a very big way. Spent many hours over the last few months researching various DSLR cameras, lenses & equipment. Before I write about what equipment I have purchased, I would like to say why I have 'jump straight into the deep end' with the purchased equipment.

After reading so much about cropped & full frame cameras & the many different lenses they all work with, I knew in my heart I wanted a full frame camera simply because I wanted to get into very serious photography so I came to the conclusion why not just go & 'Jump straight into the deep end' from the start as in the short term if I had purchased a cropped frame camera & lenses, I just knew I would want a full frame camera in the long term.

The camera & lenses I have purchased is a Canon 5D Mark III with three 'L' series lenses. Not cheap to say the least but am sure most of you will agree it is excellent equipment? It would be really nice to get other people's thoughts about what I write here.

Many thanks,


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Hi Rob,

A very warm welcome to the TIPF Community, you have come to the right place.......you are where I was a few years ago when I retired and took up serious photography. I can't help you much with your camera techie questions, but member Black Pearl is our resident expert on all things camera having managed a branch of JESSOPS for years, until their demise a year or so back.

Other members have their own expertise, so please ask anything to do with photography, processing or equipment.......I am really looking forward to seeing your firsts posts.


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Hi Rob, and greetings from the other side of the county (I'm near Long Melford). Looking forward to seeing your work.


You've obviously made the right choice by going for Canon (tongue in cheek to all the other makes) and you'll no doubt find someone here to assist with the techie side of things if needed.

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Hi all,

Many thanks for your replies to my first post. As I am just getting started in photography all the more help I get the better & is very welcome.

Just joined this forum today so still feeling my way around the site. So my first question is, where is the best place to post a couple of images for you all to look at as I would love some feed back as to where I might be going wrong?



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Hi again Fuji & thanks for the reply. However, just been to the Open Image Forum & tried to upload a couple of images but it says my images are to big. As I am new but hope I am not stupid, how does one make the images small enough to upload? Thanks Fuji for the help.


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Hello Korky & Tina, thanks for the advise Korky but it states on the Open Image Forum that any links to images is not allowed & will be deleted.

That doesn't mean your own account on a photo sharing site as you will only be linking your own shots to the site.

The easiest way is to "copy" the image link and then paaste into your post.

Highlight and delete anything outside of the     %7Boption%7Dlink name%7Boption%7D         on each side and the pic will open into your post instead of taking you to Photobucket to view it.

Hope that helps.

Edited by NannyFerret
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And welcome from me too :)


I would love to have gone straight in with a full frame, But I'm still getting my head around learning to use Nikons (older) entry level!


and dont get me started on processing software...thats harder for me to understand than the damn camera:)

Edited by ChroNikon
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Hi, Rob, and welcome to this friendly place. I'm not a 'techie' member either, but you'll find plenty of help and support from other members. You have already been pointed in the right direction for posting pictures and I'm off now, to see what you have done. Enjoy your time here! 

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