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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Bad News

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Hi All,

            I just wanted to let you know why I have been missing more than usual and why i won't be posting for a while.

John is very poorly and at hospital at the moment. 
He has had test and scans as he has been suffering a lot of pain, and his own GP is a quack and didn't send him to get it sorted before.

On his second visit to the a&e I threatened to camp in the corridor until the admitted him as he had already had to home visits from the doctor..
From his first visit to his second visit three days later the infection in his blood had got far worse.

A different GP got things moving and the consultant has found out that he has cancer in his groin, a mass in his chest which is going to his heart. The worst scenariois that he will only have a few weeks left, and anything extra will be a bonus.

He will be coming home so we can be together, but we have to wait until a bed for downstairs etc. is sorted out.

You can only imagine how I feel, but am trying to keep strong for him.
He is more worried about me than himself.

His choice is not to tell all of the neighbors,, so only my next door neighbor knows 

One of my daughters stay with me on Friday night after we got the bad news and the other one stayed last night.

My two daughters are a great support and also my two oldest granddaughters.

My son is upset as he can't come near us at the moment as he has ad that nasty virus and has a bad chest infect, and he doesn't want to pass it on to me or any others in the family.

I hope to be back properly in time, as I know that I will have to keep myself going and will be in need of my friends.


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Oh Tina ... What devastating news ... Words cannot begin to show how sad I am that you and your family are in this situation ....I am making a space in my prayers  for you and John  to ask Him  to give you all an inner strength and peace to comfort you  all ...Time is obviously  so precious  so I am praying for every  extra  moment  that you can spend together .

In my thoughts and prayers ...

Polly  x

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Thank you all for your kind thoughts.

John is going downhill fast and is on a morfine drip, painkiller and the district nurses come straight out to give him a seditive injection when I ring if he needs it.

The nurses and carers are all wonderful and compassionate and are also being a great support to me and the kids.

The family are trying to keep the atmosphere as normal as possible for him. 

Thanks again.


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It's always so difficult Tina to find the words  to say when attempting to comfort and sympathise with others who are experiencing  the unimaginable and harrowing  feelings that come when cancer knocks on the door. The fact that so many can say that they know how you feel because it is not uncommon, may be of little consequence to you in your world at this time  but  having a place  to retreat to in a quiet moment  to write down your  own thoughts is important ....sometimes  it is a place  where  ones thoughts can get unscrambled .    It is good to know you have the support  of those specialist nurses and carers  who are so amazing.  My thoughts  continue to be with you and John and your family .


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Thank you all for your kind thoughts, everyone.

I'm sad to say that John crossed the Bridge at a few minutes past 8 am yesterday morning.

It was very peaceful for him as the nurses had given him a seditive injection the night before to keep him calm and comfortable.

It was a relief to know that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore pain.

I have found a strength from somewhere and my kids are being very supportive.

I feel like I'm in limbo, but I hope that one day, I will find some normality and be able to carry on as best as I possibly can.

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Oh Tina...  I am  just so very sorry  to hear your news  about your John... My Sincere condolence to you all .  Life will be a blur for a good while  I suspect  so it is reassuring  to know that you have supportive family and it sounds as though you are finding an inner  strength  that has surprised you a bit.     When we lose a loved one I always feel that the wonderful  legacy of photography is that it  gives  us a timeless link  to our precious memories  in the photographs  we keep and treasure.  There will be a day again sometime, where you will be able to remember  the joy  of those memories without the  overwhelming sadness  you are feeling today .  Thinking of you Tina ... 

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Tina, Tina, so very sorry, words just can't express what you must be feeling just now, but, I hope that through all that haze, our thoughts and prayers reach you, not just now perhaps, but a little time in the future when you have the strength to look back.

Thinking of you...


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Thank you all for your messages. They mean a lot to me.

It's been a hard few weeks, but I have gone into auto mode.

The funeral is on the 13th of February, so after that is over, I will have to start to get back to something like normality.

It's hard, but it would have been selfish of me to want to hang on to John, only for him to suffer like he did.

Thank you again, friends.

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