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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by Korky

  1. Careful with that - I did it once and then had to take 3 ibuprofen and have a lie down. Well done with the compo BTW! Korky
  2. I get my rugged appearance from Walter Dugdale, a Co-Op milkman who suddenly stopped his deliveries after being found round the back of the milk depot suffering from two black eyes a broken jaw, severe lacerations and four cracked ribs. Dad had to go away for a while soon afterwards, Mum said he was working on a trawler, but I found out differently when she sent me to post a letter addressed to HMP Strangeways. Thanks again you two - brilliant efforts! Korky
  3. Thanks a lot you two - all those results are brilliant. They're far, far better than my humble efforts. Cyril - The woman in the photograph is my paternal grandmother, Margaret Ann Morris. She passed away when I was about ten years old and up until recently I'd never seen a photo of her as a young woman. In my mind she was always the elderly woman I knew when I was a boy. Thanks for your efforts, they're much appreciated. Korky
  4. Can you offer any help as to how I would go about restoring this? I'm pretty much OK with removing the creases and scratches etc, but restoring the parts of the eye and nose that are missing and the crinkly background have me stumped good and proper. Thanks Korky
  5. Korky


    Yeah! If I brought another camera bag home there would be serious marital strife. I would expect that a charity shop would be more than happy with it - and you'll feel happy with yourself into the bargain. Now...... If you're trying to shift a Sony 55 inch OLED TV, gimme a whistle. I'll collect! Korky
  6. That's been taken care of, Mike - all will be revealed in the fullness of time. I don't think anyone will be disappointed with what we have planned. Korky
  7. Hello Everyone This is just to let you know that after much deliberation, Ryewolf, Clicker and myself have decided that the Weekly Challenge has run its course, it's time for it to be put into mothballs and stored in the old cupboard at the back of the office. From July 1st there'll be two new challenges for you to get your teeth into and we certainly hope that you will. The main challenge will be on a monthly basis and each alternate month will have a theme. The themes will be quite universal so that everyone can enter, but entry photos will need to be taken during the month rather than from the archives. All designed to get you out and about with a camera and then bag a dollop of kudos at the end of the month. We've even got a super-duper, VIP guest judge lined up to cast a beady eye over the entries and pick the top three. The second challenge has been suggested by SRJ (Simon) and will be a weekly challenge that will be based on the letters of the alphabet. We'll start with the letter A and 26 weeks later we'll arrive at Z, when we'll all be posting shots of zebras. This challenge is designed to be fun rather than competitive - just get creative and enjoy. Rywolfe and Clicker will be along in the coming days to let you know the details of how things'll work and then on 1st July, off we go. I hope I've whetted your appetites, so please get involved and please help us to give TIPF a bit of sparkle. Thanks! Korky
  8. I had this one down as POTW as soon as I saw it - Well done, Mike! Korky
  9. Spirals in Deep Space 2 - Attack of the Swirly Things
  10. Yeah, you're right, it is very good and well worth a watch. Mind you, it's nowhere near as good as Breaking Bad and Ozark Korky
  11. Certainly brought back memories of my CC days which were a long time ago. To be honest, the whole CC setup wasn't for me as it all seemed to be based on competition - maybe things are quite different these days. It was interesting to hear what Peter had to say, but I shan't be trundling round to Chorley CC anytime soon. They probably wouldn't have me anyways! Korky
  12. I had a Nikon FE back in the day - a lovely piece of kit that gave me much pleasure. I'd never go back to using film, though, I just love digital photography with all all its magic. Welcome to the forum BTW - dive in and enjoy. Korky
  13. "I'm out of here, Tiddles, the crazy gits from Accrington Camera Club have just turned up".
  14. I'm rubbish at thinking up captions, but I do have a couple of images that might fit the bill. Count me in, too, mi owd mucker! Korky
  15. Now that really is scary - I'll make a point of never discussing my personal itch problem when the talking machine is within earshot. I have a Kindle Fire that always seems to have that Alexa woman turned on to snoop mode. I shall investigate having her put to sleep. Korky
  16. I can't help either - I just send my Amazon toons (via bluetooth) to the Cambridge Audio sound box that's wired up to the telly. Can't be doin' with talking to a machine - I don't have Siri enabled on my MaBook either. Am I a boring old twazzock? Or what? Korky
  17. Korky

    POTW - w/e 9/6/2019

    A terrific POTW from a terrific thread. Great stuff David & Dee, this one really brightened my day! Korky
  18. Thank you for all the 'likes' and votes, chums. They really are appreciated. A new theme will be along very soon - just back from a trip to Y*rkshire and have a few things to do first. Korky Theme now set to 'Hot or Cold' ---- Thanks, Rye!
  19. Might be worth letting everyone know where they can get a copy, Jon. I assume it's direct from yourself, or have you got them on Amazon? Go on, be a rascal and let us have a sneaky peak at a couple of images from within! Korky
  20. Korky

    POTW - w/e 26/05/19

    The POTW is a little early this week as Mrs K and myself are out on the crazy razz tonight. Need to be at the Village Hall for 7.30 at the latest as the Beetle Drive starts at 7.45 sharp and the vicar gets a bit rattled if anyone turns up late. He gave Enid Blackshaw a right old roasting last week. Mind you, she did stink of gin and had a roll-up hanging from the corner of her gob. However.... I've gone for a POTW that instantly grabbed me by its sheer wackiness. It's the first shot from Ryewolf's Two Times Four and I just love it. It tells a great story of what's obviously been a super day out and all the little elements of the photograph come together brilliantly well to both amuse and hold the interest. So much so that I've come back to it a number of times just to enjoy the image a little more. And.... I've got to ask the question......... Why IS that glove hanging from those glasses? Well done, Rye, ya done good! Korky
  21. All the components for this image (brushes, textures and the main photograph) aren't my work. All I've done is fit the pieces together and then add what I hope qualifies as a dollop of creativity and a sprinkling of imagination. For this reason, I fully understand if my entry doesn't make it into the vote - I very much enjoyed making the image and it's deffo one for my Flickr pages. William Morris was my paternal grandfather who was a proud Lancastrian and served in France during World War One. According to family lore, he came home when the war had ended and was so lice ridden that his wife, Margaret, refused to allow him in the house until he'd taken a bath out in the back yard. I'm not sure this is 100% accurate as it came to me from my father who would have been around nine years old at the time. Korky Private William Morris
  22. Good stuff - Very well done! Korky
  23. Two or three? I set the theme and I've found it tough enough to find one! Korky
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