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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 




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Hi, all,

another ....Round-Robin message from Cyril

Good News and other News regarding my retinal surgery yesterday.

I spent over five hours in the Day Surgery Unit, pre op preparation plus lots of stinging drops up to the point of surgery.

Then a traumatic wait for the inevitable and painful, first local anesthetic injection, followed by another, which totally froze the left quarter of my face, eye and forehead.

The surgeon supported by his incredible team, then beavered away for over one and a half hours, with me wide awake, listening to fascinating technical stuff interspersed with jokes and banter, some of which I was able to join in, after the fine work was completed.

If you watched the video, I posted of the surgery you will know that it all looks pretty grim, but, after the local anesthetic kicks in, all is utterly painless, I just felt pushing and, at times pressure, with lots of work by a surgical compressor that balances eye ball pressure as the vitreous is replaced by water.

The latter, is the good news, it meant, that after the surgeon had completed the peeling off of my sight distorting membrane he could re-pressurise my eye with water and not gas or oil, either of these would have meant weeks of having to be face down for most of 24 hours.

Instead, I am left with an extremely bloodshot, half closed eye, not painful, just uncomfortable, with a variety eye drops to use, every few hours fir the next couple of weeks.

The recovery of the vision in the affected eye will take up to six months, with no guarantee of total success, recovery is monitored by the surgeon, every two weeks.

Currently I am seeing bright lights, with hazy wobbly shapes and colours, because I am attempting to see through a totally out of focus water bubble, that wobbles alarmingly throwing me off balance if Im not wearing my eye patch.

So, to sum up........I am very relieved not to have to use weeks of ....Face-Down....posture, instead I have to take it easy, no heavy work or strenuous activities, using drops, eye patches and taking pain killers as required.

The sight in my left eye, should recover very slowly, and should improve as the air bubble reduces, it could be weeks or months.

I will be able to read and type using one good eye, but wont be taking any photographs for some time......I will drop in on photo forums as and when I feel like looking at your pics and adding the odd comments.

I wish to thank you all for your very kind thoughts and words, they go a long way to aiding recovery.

Cyril ( FUJI)

Sent from my iPad by Cyril Hobbins

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Brilliant news, and I'm so happy you don't have to lie face down for days on end. But, this 'no photography' stuff, so totally unacceptable I'm afraid. Just point your phone at yourself and take a series of selfies for the time being; we're grown up, we can take it!   :chris: ( <--- appropriately called 'Chris', though perhaps it should be called 'Cyril'? )

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I just popped on here and was about to ask if anyone had heard how it went.

I'm glad all went well.

Just make sure that you do everything that you have been told to do.

As you know, eyesight is very precious.

Glad to see you back on the forum and that you will be able to pop in from time to time :-D

Edited by NannyFerret
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Great news, Fooj - I'm so pleased that things have gone better than you expected.


If it's any consolation, I'm also seeing hazy, wobbly shapes, but it is Friday night and I've had a few cans of Tanglefoot and a large Jameson's chaser  :yes  :yes  :yes



Edited by Korky
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Great news, Fooj - I'm so pleased that things have gone better than you expected.


If it's any consolation, I'm also seeing hazy, wobbly shapes, but it is Friday night and I've had a few cans of Tanglefoot and a large Jameson's chaser  :yes  :yes  :yes




Matron has been phoned and she said something about double-locking the front and back doors and she wants to see you first thing in the morning. (Hope that makes sense).

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Great news, Fuji. Although you sounded prepared for the 'face down' period, glad you don't have to undergo that inconvenience. Do whatever you need to do to help the recovery period move along well, and I do hope the end result is good!! :D

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