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Shapes and colours

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I can absolutely understand that  Steve ... I   didn't  expect to find a focus  in the abstract  as I am not attempting to find any reality in these shapes  and so there is little to focus on ...  I just like the relationship of the  lines , shapes and contrasts of colours and just find them pleasing to my eye . I f they please anyone else or stimulate  their imagination, then  that  is a bonus  but mostly I  use the photographic process  very selfishly I'm afraid, to satisfy my relationship with what I see  and hope it evokes  an emotional response when I see it again  once I have processed the image . I really appreciate  your   comment and  I am pleased that you have explained your reaction  rather than  say nothing as generating  a discussion  is  often a valid  goal  of abstract images .  We often seem to be happy to  comment on images we  like  but too often find it uncomfortable to express why something hasn't appealed to us . We should be able to find ways of  expressing that , as you kindly  have,  without  offending or  being rude or aggressive and   respect that we all have different reasons and views on why we look through the viewfinder and what we hope to find  in the process .  I'm sure the reasons are as many and varied  as the images we  produce ..😉

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I take Steve's point, Polly as I do yours.  I've gone back to the title and looked again with fresh eyes. 

The thing that strikes me most is the complementary colours of the green and orange/red first and then the shapes.  

An interesting concept

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I think the colours are what attracted me too initially Fogey …and  I thought I had posted this under the abstract board on the Forum  though it appears I haven’t …. Doh . Sometimes it is difficult to put into words what reaches and touches you in an emotional way in any form of “art”  as music often can  and I have always found it strange that we can all respond so differently to  hearing or seeing the same  thing .  I wonder what determines that… ??? Our past experiences maybe….. I  don’t really know … 🤷🏼‍♀️

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I just think it's the way our brains are wired, Polly.  It's interesting you mentioned music, as when I listen to classical music, I can quite easily translate musicl tones to colour and colour tones in my mind.

I don't read music as the mathematical side to a score leaves me cold, but the colours that are generated in my mind are simply inspiring.


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It is odd though isn’t it… I am reminded a bit about the maths involved in the Fibonacci spiral and  how somehow that balance is recognised almost subliminally by many of us as being pleasing without always knowing why. It is found practically  everywhere in nature… and often in great works of art . I think you and I have discussed this once before  as we tried dissecting what constituted a balanced composition in an image …Music is  another unfathomable expression of emotions and the same piece  can affect the listeners in very different ways ..

  Oh dear   …. All this is making my head hurt now and it’s just the start of the weekend 😂

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This is the great thing about Photography and sharing the images that we are seeing through our lenses that keep us togging, and with every image, as I learned very well in my competition days, that they wont appeal to us all at this path of our Journey,

Im pleased myself to have all opinions on anything I work on and show, rather than just a brushed “Nice”, and I think thats where we on TIPF have become a close family of likeminded nutters, erm Toggers that actually look at images closely and try to lend even the slightest creative comments to help us all grow..

I for one have to work on some more images tonight from our recent holiday, as gotta have a go at getting Pic of The Week for sure 


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Well more power to your elbow Steve ... 

As you said ... we all have opinions and there is always room on this forum  to say why  you like or don't like  something without  being offensive  or rude  and  it is quite rare for that to happen though  it has on   isolated occasions in the past.  So thanks for your contribution  to this thread .....it certainly stimulated  a discussion  though not too many others dipped their toe in the water .... which is a shame  but it's a start . Feedback  helps us all  and we learn and get to know  our members on a much. more personal basis .... Thank God we are all different or that would make  for a very dull   exhibition of photos wouldn't it 😉

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2 hours ago, Clicker said:

Well more power to your elbow Steve ... 

As you said ... we all have opinions and there is always room on this forum  to say why  you like or don't like  something without  being offensive  or rude  and  it is quite rare for that to happen though  it has on   isolated occasions in the past.  So thanks for your contribution  to this thread .....it certainly stimulated  a discussion  though not too many others dipped their toe in the water .... which is a shame  but it's a start . Feedback  helps us all  and we learn and get to know  our members on a much more personal basis .... Thank God we are all different or that would make  for a very dull   exhibition of photos wouldn't it 😉

Indeed, I cant agree more, 

This is the main reason I left competitions, as to have a winning image just brushed away by a guest Judge, with no critique on composure, exposure, etc, made my blood boil, its also why in the busy days of Forums I was actually Banned for offering good advice/opinion to threads..

As long as its constructive, Honest, and offers something to the Poster to think about, maybe not alter.. then for me its a winner 

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What an interesting discussion! Thank you everyone.

It reminds me of an experience I had with a photography completion. I entered a photo of a flower that I’d “abstracted” with desaturation and soft focus. The judge criticised its lack of a focal point which got me thinking about abstraction in photography. Some, maybe all judges use a set of rules that includes the need for a focal point and visual elements that lead the viewer’s eyes around the photo etc. I agree with this…. but wonder if it’s different for abstracted images. I’m not sure.
 I think there’s a difference between an image that is purely abstracted that it is NOT representing any recognisable subject and an image that is “semi” abstracted depicting a subject that is clearly recognisable but where the focus is on colour, line, shapes etc. The latter is more likely to be judged by the conventional rules. 


Edited by CMunzel
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Thanks ...  A lot of my photographs in the floral  genre  are processed with  large  canvas  prints in mind Andy ... Yes it is a good job that we are all so different ... It never ceases to amaze  me that  in a row of houses with identical sized gardens  there are  never two gardens   even remotely alike ... We are creative souls in so many ways aren't we...?

Thanks everyone for your  comments and feedback on this thread ... It has been really interesting   seeing all the differing  points of view ...appreciate  it !




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