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Seriously ... If you could spend 5 k on a camera ...


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What would you buy if you could go out tomorrow and spend  five grand on any camera and lenses that are available to make your life in photography as enjoyable and as satisfying as possible for the type of work you like doing best ?    .....   

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Pretty much as Phil - I'd upgrade to a Fuji X-T1 and add a couple of extra lenses (the 56mm f1.2 would be a must) and likely the 100-400 for a bit of reach.

If I was starting from scratch and building a system:

Fuji X-T2 + 18-55mm - £1649 - I'd add the 55-200mm - £599 - then I think the 100-400mm for some extra reach - £1442 - then the 35mm f1.4 and Samyang 12mm f2 as they're amazing - £778 - and lastly the 60mm f2.8 Macro at £579 which is £14 over budget but theres cash-back running which would cover that and almost buy the new 50mm f2.

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1 hour ago, kev7d said:

I would get a 7d mk II and use it with my current lenses. The other 4k would be used to go to some of the best locations in Europe for some great images.

Ah  Kevin .... that very frugal ...what if you could travel anyway  and you could just indulge yourself ...

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I suspect  you and I are very similar Korks in that  i get huge satisfaction  out of the  the  Post Production ... probably more than the taking  of the image ...in as much as I feel like the end result  is more about how iI perceive the image should look than how it sometimes does look ..As for the leather Strap .... That image posted on here  is forever embedded in my brain..as I bought  my  other half an Italian Gladstone bag last year  and it is stored (when not being used when  travelling) , in a canvas bag which is regularly opened  just to partake of the aroma !:lol:

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5 Grand ...if only.

Well it would start a serious conversation with myself as to go full frame or stick with aps-c.

I think it would be the Nikon D500 (£1700) so near to a full frame camera but would enable me to keep my existing lens collection and would leave money to buy a longer lens and a good low light zoom too. 

...oh well dream over back to work.


Edited by colinb
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Because of all the hype and hoo ha around Leica's I think I would like to see what all the fuss is about............in the meantime, I will request a go with the Leica one of my shooting mates has......the cheaper? Q model?



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It  is interesting that  the lenses one has, often ( understandably ) governs what one decides  to do in a case like this ... What it seems to mean is that  a decision one made maybe a number of years ago  almost seems to prejudice  the decision one makes later  regardless of whether it is what one really wants ...We can spend such a lot  on lenses  it seems it decides what cameras we  buy in the future ...unless  you sell and start again .. I seem to recall you sold a lot of stuff (was it Nikon?)  last  year Beepy .. I'm still  waiting to  find the time to sort out a new Imac following  your advice last year ... Hoping to sort out  that  soon too ...:whistle:

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10 minutes ago, Clicker said:

I seem to recall you sold a lot of stuff (was it Nikon?)  last  year Beepy

After about 30 years of using Nikon I decided I wanted a smaller, lighter system which Nikon simply couldn't off so I made the VERY HARD decision to dump everything on WEX (who were superb by the way) and start fresh. It took me well, well over a year to do this and to be honest the idea had been around for longer as I fell in love with the Fuji X System when it launched a few years back so had hankered after one but I had A LOT much resistance built in. For me it was the best thing I could have done as I love my X-T1 more than is healthy for a married man - mostly because of the superb Fuji lenses. It is the glass that ultimately maketh a system and the ones from Fuji are amazing...that and I can fit all sorts of vintage lenses on to play, experiment and have fun with. 

The Nikon D500 came out a few months after I made the switch - it was/is everything I ever wanted Nikon to make in a DX body and I have used one a few times since so I know just how good it is. Nothing on the market comes close to it for out and out performance, for the price or even for a hell of a lot more, it is world class and market leading by a long, long way.

Would I have made the switch to Fuji if it had been available at the time - in all honesty I don't know for sure and if pushed I might say I would have stuck with Nikon. The thing is it would still have been big and more than anything else I love the compactness of what I have now. Its not the highest performing camera but every time I see it, pick it up, use it and get the results back I smile. 

At the end of the day photography should make you happy.


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On 29 January 2017 at 16:18, Clicker said:

What would you buy if you could go out tomorrow and spend  five grand on any camera and lenses that are available to make your life in photography as enjoyable and as satisfying as possible for the type of work you like doing best ?    .....   

A Leica M (typ 240) with any short range fast zoom lens I could get s/hand. 

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