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Everything posted by MattGrey

  1. One of the rare occasions that I actually drag myself out of bed for a sunrise. Both taken at Falmouth Harbour this morning.
  2. Mullion Island. Very similar to a shot I took of this little Island before Christmas, but this time a much longer exposure.
  3. Does anyone here use any kind of management tools for IG and FB? The FB business suite is clunky and doesn't update to show outstanding comments/likes etc... Hootsuite is too expensive! Is there something cheap that allows you to manage/reply/post IG and FB content from one place? Not actually fussed about the posting bit, so long as I can reply and comment to both platforms from one place. Thanks.
  4. Beautiful! Whilst I find winter better for photography, I do miss standing on warm cliffs!
  5. Yup, that's the place.....don't recall walking around Barnstaple though!? Edit...checked the date...it coincides with some holiday snaps when I was staying in Torrington, not far down the road...makes more sense now.
  6. Definitely need some practice with Photoshop! Playing with a chap sitting by a pillar.
  7. I think you're right. Your eyes get drawn to the far wall...but there's nothing there. May add a figure tomorrow just out of curiosity. Not something I'd normally do, but its fun to play around sometimes.
  8. Congratulations! Well deserved.
  9. Had this RAW on my hard drive since 2014. Can't remember where it was now, but I think it's somewhere in Devon. I remember walking past this as I strolling through a town. Just thought it made a nice image but never really knew what to do with it.
  10. Love these. The little details are something I always miss when out with my camera.
  11. Love a bit of morning mist. Great shot.
  12. From the same set. It's a pretty heavy crop...think it's time to invest in a longer focal length!
  13. I think it depends on the photographer. Some people just enjoy taking photos and aren't overly fussed about progressing their skills. Most that I talk to are actively trying to learn and grow and are open to trying different things and learning new skills. Personally, I try to make each session something to learn from and I'm not opposed to revisiting a site multiple times to get the shot i want. I wouldn't say anything about either mentality is old fashioned. Just different people with different levels of commitment with different goals.
  14. Slight revision.... @stevedevil Looking with fresh eyes after your comments....I think the whole image was maybe too warm, and yes the sky and sea did blend in a little too much. I also noticed the horizon was off, only a little, but definitely off. Whether or not this is an improvement....I'm undecided. But happy for anyone to offer any CC.
  15. I head down to Porthleven harbour this morning, no real plan on what to shoot, but hadn't been there for a while and I was too lazy to drive any further. After wandering around the harbour and failing to feel inspired, I found this little structure protruding into the sea beside the harbour wall. Perhaps an outfall for storm drains or sewers? Not sure. But it was fun to photograph as the tide came in.
  16. Love these! The simplicity of the first...the composition of the second. Great choice with the mono and long exposure.
  17. My favorite set of cliffs in Cornwall. No idea how many hours i've stood here and photographed this view. Yes, I know there are some dust spots...I've just seen them.
  18. Looks like a great place! #3 stands out for me with that foreground rock.
  19. I agree. As I said in the post I need to try again at a different time of day. It was my fist visit here so just trying a few idea to see what would or would not work. Not fussed about the fill on the pony. Was just a fun shot of a friendly animal.
  20. Definitely worth a visit. I need to explore the area quite a bit more as there seems to be a very well established sand dune system there with some streams cutting through....plus some ponies.
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