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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Hi from Peterborough Cambridgeshire


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Hi folks.  I have been in and out of photography for far too many years.  Sadly, over the last five years or so the camera has ben resigned to holidays, birthdays and Christmas snaps.  The digital equivalent of a roll of film with a Christmas tree at each end.....


Many years ago I learned using 35mm and medium format film cameras but, like most people, digital took over and for a brief time I re discovered the fun of photography.  I bought a Nikon D40 when it first came out and never upgraded apart from buying a Canon G10 compact to save lugging the camera bag around.


Over the last few months I have been desperately searching for a new hobby that I can do in the limited time I have, no, I am not dying lol, but I do have carer responsibilities and work so time is at a premium for me.  I do do a bit of gentle cycling in the Fenland countryside when I can and I usually take my iPhone with me as a camera.


I one of those eureka moments, I thought 'why not take the Nikon and a tripod with me on the bike and cycle out with a view to taking pictures rather than just cycling for cake and coffee'.  Of course, cake and coffee will still feature, it would be wrong not to.....  So my 'New' hobby has been borne and the Nikon dusted off, batteries charged and memory cards formatted.


I am horrified to realise how much I have forgotten about using the camera so I am spending quite a bit of time re familiarising myself with the controls and getting my mind back to thinking photos.


So, I am looking forward to getting inspiration form this nice looking Forum and learning a few tips and techniques my old brain has forgotten.  Mostly though, I look forward to the day when I can contribute and give something back.


Still have a few of the pictures taken over the last ten years but nothing before that which are OK but I am keen to get myself out and start doing some new stuff.


Thanks for reading my ramblings and hope to get to know you folks better over time.

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Hello Graham,

Welcome to the forum. It was my sons photographs taken on his D40 that influenced me to buy my D3000 several years ago. That introductory model too is old tech now,  I am a slow learner, so I think it will last me a tad longer :)


look forward to seeing some of your images soon.

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Welcome, Graham. 


It's probably fair to say that in the last 5 years, a slew of 'enthusiast compacts' - all with large sensors and some with zooms - have come on to the market, inspired by the original Fuji X100. What I'm trying to say is, that unless your main interest is distant wildlife, there are now some quite awesome pocketable cameras out there, to save lugging your Nikon + tripod around. I've just bought one of them, and it knocks what my trusty old Minolta XD7 SLR could do, into the proverbial...

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Welcome, Graham. 


It's probably fair to say that in the last 5 years, a slew of 'enthusiast compacts' - all with large sensors and some with zooms - have come on to the market, inspired by the original Fuji X100. What I'm trying to say is, that unless your main interest is distant wildlife, there are now some quite awesome pocketable cameras out there, to save lugging your Nikon + tripod around. I've just bought one of them, and it knocks what my trusty old Minolta XD7 SLR could do, into the proverbial...

I know what you mean but there is something 'organic' about clipping a DSLR onto a tripod and getting the flask of coffee out while you ponder the shot...... Or is that just me? Much as I love my Canon G10 which takes gorgeous pics, it just isn't the same somehow.

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Thanks again for the very warm welcome guys. I spent a while yesterday looking for a suitable forum to get back into the hobby. I don't think I could have picked a better one.

Hi Graham I hope you like the forum

We have some serious photographers on here plus some not so serious then there are the loons

You will soon figure out whos who

Must go matrons calling

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