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competitions/ news


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how many of you submit pictures to magazines ect...or enter photography competitions?


I remember Paul getting his on Granada.


and I think Annie got something posted in a glossy once?


the only thing I have ever gotten in print was my car forums pictures, but they were really bad!!




and while were at it, how many of you are in a camera club?... I'v been thinking of joining my local one but it's full of L lens wearers.

Edited by mrwall
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I had a squirrel pic in the Coventry Telegraph two or three years ago. It was eating a nut out of hubby's hand.


What's an L wearer?

canon L lens wearer, more about the brand than the hobby :) same group as the spray and prey brigade

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I'm not a great competition enterer, normally limited to club or interclub competitions.


Regarding camera clubs, a few years ago, some of us in the village found a shared interest but we could only find clubs that were competition after competition after competition which wasn't for us.   So we started our own club, regularly get 20-30 attendees and we are primarily trying to teach and to learn from the very basic ' what does this button do'  to more advanced editing and stuff with guest speakers and practical nights. Maybe one or two competitions a year.


And as for pictures...   I have a few on display in the dragonfly centre at Wicken fen if that counts, the National trust and some event organisers have asked to see some from this years events, and I've been invited to shoot a 1940s musical show later in the year, with the pictures being used for publicity by the artistes.

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I know what you mean. I was in a park carrying my First Lumic bridge camera as my FZ100 had gone to have the flash repaired when we came upon a group of men carrying Canons with two or three lenses slug over their shoulders.
They were all grouped around one tree. all taking the same kind of shots of the leaves, while I was flitting around getting shots of anything and everything.
Not all camera clubs are the same though. I beleive Blackrox belongs to a nice one and she really enjoys it.
You could try one and if you don't like it after a couple of weeks, just don't go again.

I'm not a club sort  of person and just enjoy being on this and another small forum and plodding around with my camera in my own time.

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I've had 4 on the TV, two in British Photographic magazines, one in a magazine in Lithuania,  and one won a £50 voucher in Round 1 of a 6 round competition, the final results of which will be on Sunday, where 3 further prizes of vouchers from £50 are on offer. Might have an outside chance of a podium finish there.



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Not joined a club although there are several in the area, As I said, I take pictures for meself and dont think they are good enough for publishing. Out of the six thousand or so taken on my D3000, about 20 are what I would call good :)

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In 2009 I had a shot of Port Eynon beach on the Gower published in Coast Magazine, I was very well paid which was nice. I have taken a few birding holidays with 'Island Holidays' based in Scotland and one of my Puffin photos was featured on one of their news letters a couple of years ago. Last August four of my insect photos were shown in my county newspaper... The Hereford Times.

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I have had several local organisations approach me and have used my images for promotions, Dudley canal trust and a company doing advertising for Walsall Arboretum. Have had an image on central tv weather as well. I am not a member of a camera club though.

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I've had half a dozen in the local paper, they approached me after there staff tog lost his pictures of the town carnival. Had Aston Martin owners club approach me for two shots of the Bond Aston with the machine guns in the bonnet. I've had a couple on a ford promo website that I submitted to. One used in a bbc news website viewers pictures section that they later used as the picture on a story on their site. One used by the local lions club on their website. I have also had two used on commercial websites without my consent that have had to subsequently pay for them. Also had several on the wall of a local gallery for a while but they never sold as the gallery was rubbish and attracted no visitors and closed down.


As for a camera club I am in the facebook group of the local camera club but don't go as they all seem to take it a bit too serious for me.  

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had 3 published in the dslr user mag, one won a competition.

received a silver award in a north tyneside libraries & museums (northern shores comp) and had commendations for 4 other images. they used my image in a local freebie paper article about the comp.

one chosen and printed for the age uk (north east) 2013 calendar.

sold numerous images to work colleagues.

I have a booking to photograph images for a charity calendar for cancer research, body builders at the local Harley Davidson outlet, should be interesting.

I enter competitions as and when I feel the mood takes me. the hardest part is that you never know what the judges are looking for. I have seen winners where none of the images have anything to do with the terms and conditions or brief of the competition rules. so all I do is enter and hope for the best.

used to be in a camera club which was ok, it was starting up so a little slow and boring, no one knew the way it should take form. also it was around the time when my health went down hill so I stopped going, went to one other but didn't like it so never went back.


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Did you all submit your photos or did they find them on Flickr or photo bucket??

 bit of both for me Leon. Lincolnshire Pride magazine use some of my images and they usually contact me via Flickr.

BBc Lincolnshire used a snow scene on their web site header page for 2 winters but I sent that one into them, plus a couple on the TV weather spot. 

Entered several competitions came 2nd in one.

Member of a local 'Facebook' group which has monthly meet ups.

Sell pictures in a local hotel and to friends


 I do a bit of commercial photography which can help pay the bills and of course I take many photos to use in my 3-day-a- week graphic design job.

Edited by colinb
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think I need to get posting some pictures in the right places then.


Besides the car meet in Honda Tuner, the 2 postcards of Fluffy, and 2 dog portraits that is it for me, ...oh and a friends kids portrait (which they entered in a competition)


saying that though I'v only been "togging" 3 years


 I might delete my flickr and start again but all my piccies on here will disappear


thanks for all the replies,

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Out of all the judges, I know two of them placed me 2nd, and 3rd, but their points was not enough to get me higher than 6th overall, but not a bad effort considering, quite pleased, seeing as there were hundreds entered, and I got to the final 12.



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