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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 




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Number 1 looks very surreal - that doom-laden sky and the headless/footless figure add to the feel. I like it!


The patch of gravestone in the grass (bottom left) could be lost though, it just grabs the eye. I think it'd look better if it were all grass.


Now, watch some bugger disagree!



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I've stood at he very same spot as you in No.1 then went down to the little wall, faced the other way and asked a (slightly high on weed) girl to run across the grass carrying a white cloth (she and 3 friends were sat on it originally, smoking said weed) but alas, the shots were all naff!


Not as nice as these either that I got of the area (except maybe a couple).




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Thank you all for the comments, I think I may be beginning to understand what to look for in a good picture. The second two pictures have depth and colour, but are messy and complicated for the eye to take in. The first picture which I have re-edited here, has good simple composition. It lacked colour in the original but that has been added in Lightroom. Therefore, good pictures depend on composition, good composition and better composition.






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That looks so much better now the gravestone is cloned out.

My favourite is no 2, especially with the old lamp post included in the scene.


That's Williamson's memorial in the distance on top of the hill. If you ever drive up the M6 past Lancaster it's a prominent feature of the landscape. I'm glad you like the lamp post Nanny, I did a lot of work getting rid of a big red sign on it! :on2long:

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