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Weekly Challenge #25 - Street Portrait

Weekly Challenge #25  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Weekly Challenge #25

Voting is now closed in this poll

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FUJI has asked if I would be kind enough to start the new challenge on his behalf, so the challenge this week is...


Images must be taken and posted between now and midnight Monday the 23rd November.
Voting will take place from the 24th until the 27th with the winner being announced on the 28th.

Good luck! :yes

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Thank you Phil.....

I realise that this might be a challenge for some of you, but to be challenged in life  is good.....

Hints......Blend into the scene......don't use your longest lens or biggest camera.......no long lens sneakiness.......Candids are good........better still, smile and try to engage your subject in conversation, then request the portrait for a project.....if they decline a quick Thank You and move on......then try another person......Don't exploit the vulnerable ......You can include juniors with permission of their adult.......The best places are at events like a Christmas Market, or, in a popular tourist area, where many folk carry cameras........Best to use ambient light......Aperture priority is good....GOOD LUCK!


PS......I'm very busy today.

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Sorry Fuji, but you can't specify that we cannot use a long lens! I really really really cannot approach people and ask permission to take a picture. I suspect others here are the same - we don't all have your chutzpah!! If I can't grab a candid then I'm not going to enter...

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As Korky says......my input is meant as helpful advice, knowing that many folk are inhibited when it comes to Street Portature.......I also state, that a challenge is something to be taken up, enjoyed, and hopefully learned from. A portrait should reflect the character, and perhaps mood of the subject at that instant. A long lens portrait has no connection ( except for a likeness) with the  subject, and touches on  paparazzi like sneakiness.

have no fear, I won't give you a Chinese Burn or a Dead Arm if you don't take part........but all the others had better; :stuart: 

Chutzpa? Chutzpa? .......... Must look it up.


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Am I imagining this or have you posted this before VW ?   It seems familiar.  If you have posted it before  VW you may have missed the thread on the rules  for entering the weekly competition..


The date  that the photo was taken is required as there is just a 10 day  time slot  during which entries can be  taken ( Between the  14th & 23rd November for the Street Portrait  competition.

 Ah I have found it . This was  posted in May so I am sorry VW  it isn't eligible :(



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I did have others taken at a chistmas market but preferred the one I posted. The others were of shoppers, visitors, lovers but nothing stood out for me. My question is, if mine isn't a street portrait how does it differ from ryewolf's as his is, like I said, a street performer too.

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Ah Ha......I honestly thought it was a shop dummy Chrissy.......but, then again.......there is no human face showing so it can't be a portrait......can it?

Darn it.......I should've picked , lone trees or milky water...... :ermm:



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15 minutes ago, CanonChrissy said:

No votes mean no winner Chris. Why there was only 2 entries this week is beyond me. It's called a challenge.......meaning it challenges you. I'm interested in peoples comments re why they didn't take up the challenge.

So am I, especially as I offered very clear advice and examples.......

I say, let this rest, no voting or further discussion, just let it lie....go on to the next challenge.

Then in good time, we might return to Street Potraiture, and Street Photography without having to worry about being challenged or pressured.


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