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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


10 things we didn't know about you?


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1/ I am really into the history of the Napoleonic Wars and consider Napoleon Bonaparte to be one of histories most interesting characters.

2/  I have read 8 academic books this year about Napoleon Bonaparte and I am starting to become a Napoleon "expert".

3/ I have an ancestor that was present ta the Battle of Waterloo. He was 15 years old and served un the Royal Horse and Foot Artillery as a Drummer Boy at Waterloo. 

4/ I enjoy Formula One and have been to a lot of British Grand Prix races.

5/ I am almost 55 and thinking about early retirement.

6/ I used to be into mountaineering and completed a traverse of the Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye in 1990.

7/ I take every opportunity I can to visit France, I love the place! ;) 

8/ I spent the first 10 years of my working life in the Merchant Navy. I trained as a deck Officer.

9/ I have 2 great kids, my son is 15 and my daughter is 12.

10/ My favourite music is by a French band called Indochine.

There you go. Easier than I thought!   :)

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Chris I should have perhaps said 'stiff sh#t' - meaning it's their loss not ours!!

If people who visit here are paranoid about a few dog hairs, or getting the odd slurp from a Gentle Giant, or a paw on the knee from a Brodie who fancies a biscuit, or a ball dropped at their feet by a Kelly, who wants to play, the so be it - don't come back, but neither we nor the dogs will count you as a friend!!

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1. I'm a 'Possie" - born a Pom, raised an Aussie, and live near Wedderburn towards North West Victoria.

2. This is my 27th home, (19 by the time I turned 21), so I've been around a bit, but we love our 40acre space and peace here.

3. Heading for our 50th wedding anniversary next year and we have worked either together or in the same departments for all of our lives together.

4. I'm now a fitness instructor for older aged persons - just started my 10th year of this - and lead Tai Chi, strength training and exercise to music sessions. Significant other careers - police, prisons and taxi driving- We are 'survivors'!!

5. Love animals, be it dogs, cats horses, goats or the wildlife we get - 'roos, wallabies, lizards etc. The animals we have had, and now do are 'family members' not just pets, and Kandy, Kelly & Brodie certainly give us reason to do things, unconditional love and heaps of fun.

6. Got my first camera when we headed back to UK in 1960, but have never really been in to the techno stuff - I just like to have fun. Love the digital era - have a Panasonic TZ60, which goes everywhere with me, and enjoying the new Nikon P900. Not good at portraits, and most of my pictures are taken around home.

7. Other hobbies for me are gardening, walking the girls and family history research - which some of you would know the reason why because of my blog.

8. Love any 'high country'. just the sight of mountains makes me feel great!!

9. Don't care what our house is like as long as it suits, and is comfortable for us and the pets. If a visitor doesn't like it - stiff - don't be a friend!!!

10. Favourite movies for a 'turn off' - all the Harry potters and all the lord of the Rings - and yes, James Webber - I've been to Hobbiton, but didn't get a chance to take pictures!!

There you go, - sorry if it's a but 'wordy' but I'm a writer too! :D 

Your number 8 stirred up childhood memories for me. Not that I have ever been to Australia. I used to read over and over again a set of books by Elyne Mitchell, The Silver Brumby series and always thought places like 'Dead Horse Gap' and 'Kosciuszko ' where fictional until I found them on Google earth....my dream is to visit the area one day to see if Thowra's ghost still gallops the hills........


Edited by CanonChrissy
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  • 1 month later...

OK, in no particular order....

1} - I'm 21, with 41 years of practice now.......

2} - I've loved planes and flying since reading ALL the 'Biggles' book as a young pup, though I only took my 1st flight this year.

3} - I was a keen cyclist for 40 years, until I got seriously mashed off, 10 years ago - Lukily, I've had my driving-licence since 1978 and it's never had a point or endorsement on it.

4} - I far prefer animals to most people.

5} - I'd give a back-leg to move out of London to Somerset.

6} - I survived 3 consecutive years at Glastonbury Festival 1983-1985.

7} - I have a lot of empathy, but very little patience.

8} - My only serious intolerance is bad manners and rudeness.

9} - I'm allergic to housework, it brings me out in bad moods......  (so's Mrs WereBo grin.gif)

10 - I now spend far too much time on my PC EvilSmiley.gif

11} - I can't count.......


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1)     Im married to Richard and we have one son who is nearly 25 I met Richard when I was 14 at a party where he got me drunk for the first ever time ( its his fault  now I reckon )

2)     I met Richard again at 16 and fell in love straight away, I knew I would marry him sooner or later I just had to wait for him to realise I was his one :)

3)     im very hard to get to know and I don’t open up easily to people … this is really hard for me to do

4)   I find it hard to make friends but once you are considered a friend I will defend you to the death if needs be.

5)   I do have   empathy and understanding but only to the point where you make me see red then all hell breaks loose 

6)   I love the art of photography, the technical stuff I find very difficult and often can’t remember what I did to achieve a certain shot. For me a photo either speaks to me or it doesn’t and that’s that.

7)   I love all animals except homo sapiens who I struggle to understand a lot of the time

 8) I have diabetes type 2 and fibromyalgia and various foot problems all of which frustrate me to hell when it means I cant get the positioning  to get the shot I want anymore.

9)   Im away from TIPF far more than I would like at the moment due to my time being eaten up with DIY as we are renovating an old bungalow in Yorkshire

10)    I was born a Yorkshire woman and a Yorkshire woman I will always proudly be. Although I spent a lot of my life away from the area, im very very happy to finally be back in my home county.  

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1 Wil have done my three score and ten next month

2 Have tried owning dogs but found I dislike the things. Cats I find tolerable.

3 I like most people but sociability is really difficult. Have no real friends.

4 Would like to move to the Chilterns or Cotswolds from Lancashire but have not got the money to do it.

5 Used to be a Licensed Property Valuer. I like pubs.

6 Started  photography with a Kodak Retinette 1A shooting Kodachrome Iso 10 ( ten). Used to dev and print monochrome and colour film. Had numerous nasty cheap cameras from behind the iron curtain  but ended up with a really good Bronica MF SLR.

7 Now shoot with Sony DSLR and print on Canon A3+ machine. Equipment is far better at photography than me.

8 Still trying to make OK  pictures but have progressed little in the past 57 years. Managed to get LRPS distinction but alas that is my limit.

9 Utterly conventional and been married to same woman for 45 years.

10 Enjoy G&T followed by wine. Marlow Brewey  red beer makes me happy.

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On 30 October 2015 at 21:06:50, Phoenix said:

nice collection Jeff, seems that photography as a hobby has as many loners as socialites. Might make for an interesting topic of discussion. 

Oh and a birthday next month, ... that's a nice round number


But a good twenty years left in me - both parents made it into their 90s. ?

My first aim is to be retired longer than I worked which will happen in 2032 when I will be 87.

Then to have a pension greater than my final salary.



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On 30 October 2015 at 21:06:50, Phoenix said:

nice collection Jeff, seems that photography as a hobby has as many loners as socialites. Might make for an interesting topic of discussion. 

Oh and a birthday next month, ... that's a nice round number


But a good twenty years left in me - both parents made it into their 90s. ?

My first aim is to be retired longer than I worked which will happen in 2032 when I will be 87.

Then to have a pension greater than my final salary.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Old topic, but my computer is less than reasonable!

Diagnosed manic depressive (lets get that out of the way!)

Worked in a lot of factories so the missus could get the qualifications for what she wanted to do

My camera is my escape

Had a job I loved, swapped it for one I tolerate for my children to know their grandparents

Restore "classic" cars with a couple of friends

Am a tad volatile

Defend my friends to the end of the earth

Love to be out in the wild

Hate crowded places

Love the coast, but find it intimidating


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1 - Hate the fact that I have to work 12 hour shifts with very few days off, although I don't really mind the job itself.

2 - After 40 years of smoking 30+ a day It'll be my 2 year anniversary in February since I stopped.

3 - My family is what gets me out of bed every day.

4 - I live in a tiny 400 year old cottage, apparently the oldest building in our village (apart from the 13th century church), just 50 yards from the house where I was born and bred.

5 - I spend far too much time doing TIPF admin stuff and not enough time posting... Oh sorry, you wanted things you didn't know about me :happy:

6 - Love, love, love Scotland!. Would rather be lost in the Highlands than anywhere else on earth.

7 - I am very much a loner, don't do crowds, public speaking etc.

8 - I seem to have worn out the majority of the clichéd photography genres but found I really enjoy doing portrait work. Just friends and family for now, being quite a shy person I lack confidence in giving direction, I'm sure it'll come.

9 - I've not missed an episode of Coronation Street since I was 13.

10 - I guess my greatest dislike are Americanisms and our habit of taking on board their eccentricities. trick or treat, baby showers, black Friday, my bad. MY BAD?!?!?!?! what's that all about? it'll be turkey at Thanksgiving next! They speak American, not English!

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