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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by Paul

  1. I was asked to be a guest judge for POTW and it's tough letting so many down in favour of a single image... As you know I'm a sucker for macro and bugs etc, and the dragons and butterflies and more kept me watching and debating... and then the locos and that wonderful traction engine caught my eye too. They are all up there this week. I really like looking at the wonderful blur of the wind turbines - and mono suited the scene so well... 2nd place is the wind turbines... But I gave my choice of POTW to Cheryl - her dove is so fluffed up, and the way the softness comes in from the lower corners and the subtle background changes just won it for me. So well done to CMunzel - my choice for POTW. Original post HERE. Paul.
  2. After the rain, the insects need to dry off - being soaking wet does most no good I suppose. Here's an Orchesella cincta (I think) and then the reasonably patient long-legged fly that allowed me to move around to different angles... Paul.
  3. On a late night jaunt and inside 2 square feet of the garden, there were 2 spiders and a juvenile/immature flat backed millipede amongst other things I didn't get... But of the ones I did - the spiders were <2mm in size and the Polydesmus was 4mm long. I think these are: #1 Lepthyphantes , #2 Eratigena sp. spiderling, and #3, 4 & 5 Polydesmus sp. (could be P.angustus or P.coriaceus). Paul.
  4. Thanks John and Polly. I seem to recall reading that they can be voracious hunters... Paul.
  5. A female and a male I think John too. Paul.
  6. Spot on where it needs to be and the pastel colours are very nice. Paul.
  7. I only go in the garden really - and you know it's not that big. There must be a spot of green nearby - but I don't know the area enough to find one to help... Paul.
  8. I used to see more a few years back, but not so many recent of the Heterotoma planicornis (a member of the miridae family). I managed a few, 2 keepers, before the tripod head slipped (not secure enough) and hit the branch and that was that... Paul.
  9. This is the first time I have found a silver sided Sector spider - Latin name Zygiella x-notata. At the same time I found a picture wing fly contemplate a leap into the unknown... Paul.
  10. Two great captures John. Paul.
  11. Thanks Geoff. They were too busy to care about me... Paul
  12. Thanks lads, appreciated. Paul.
  13. Not sure if the little one is her spiderling or an interloper - though it looks like some eggs are disturbed so it could be. Paul.
  14. These bees cut the leaf into small pieces that they carry away under the bodies to add to the nesting material. Paul.
  15. Thats a great spot for the video. Paul.
  16. Soon be time to deposit the fruit of their labour no doubt.. Paul.
  17. A mason bee, and a leaf cutter bee in the garden this afternoon: Paul.
  18. My resident Neriene montana with a bit of interest surrounding her... Paul.
  19. Well done John - a place I've not been to, but seen a fair photos of - and this is a good as any. Congrats. Paul.
  20. Rare bird - chough. Rare bird - Roller Oh well, lol...
  21. Bdellidae. Snout Mite. Feasting on an elongate springtail. Up there with my current favourite insect just now. Nature is so brutal isn't it? Got a photobomb from a Arachnida ( Acari - Mites ) - Oribatida in the last one too ! Paul.
  22. What a peculiar attire she wears! Lovely shots and video Geoff. Paul.
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