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Everything posted by FUJI

  1. A brilliant choice Paul... Many congratulations BP. FUJI
  2. This is a must watch presentation about using vintage lenses to best effect.... a long session but watch it in sections over a coffee or glass of wine.......FUJI https://youtu.be/te2mWC7vpXw
  3. The longer whisker’s suit you Martyn.......I tried growing some, but got rid, when Inwas told they aged me ten years. Great to see another TIPF member dabbling in the...used-camera....market.....there are bargains to be had, if yiu shop around with a clear idea of what you want. As stated in Rye’s post above, I too have invested in a low shutter count second camera... I intend to use it for all my fully manua photography with vintage and DIY lenses. FUJI
  4. A beautifully crafted landscape, beautifully taken, processed and presented..... Aworthy winner.... Congratulstions John. FUJI
  5. Following on from the discussion and fantastic example of....Super-Zoom ... Bridge Camera’s ....or..... very expensive telephoto lenses .... my rationale during the past few years has to go down this route. Mainy because my subjects are .... Street ....and....Portrait..... but, with lots in between including ...Landscape and Architecture, plus much panning of fast motorbikes. my micro-four thirds telephotos and zooms are laying unused and unloved in my bag.... perhaps I should sell them to finance another GX8 body to use exclusively with my vintage and DIY lenses? This is a very persuasive presentation and rationale......well worth a watch. FUJI
  6. An amazing study..... congratulations Stravinsky .... FUJI
  7. Great stuff Paul .....you are back, on track. FUJI
  8. OK! Here we go, for those interested in my mono conversion method. 1: The original as it came out of camera ( for this converted from RAW) 2: The same shot, adjusted for colour, contrast and sharpness. 3: The final mono result done in Photoshop CS6 and Silver Efex...A vignette...Targeted Contrast grading on layers, then targeted sharpening on layers. All layers flattened as I progress through my work. This then is my equivalent of what might have happened in a Darkroom during ...Film Days. You can imagine the cost and timescale, chemicals and experimenting that might have taken place to achieve the final mono result. My method takes a little time, a deal of pre- planning, then careful use of brushes, sliders and layers. Feedback and comment very welcome: FUJI
  9. WOW! I’m truly overwhelmed .....what a fantastic surprise......the light on the Abbey Pool was incredible that morning, with the mist adding greatly to the atmosphere, this was the best, of a short series taken at the same time. A lovely addition to us celebrating the 60th Birthday of our daughter too..... Can’t believe she is 60 now.... our little girl! TEMPUS FUGIT . Thank you for all the wonderful feedback folks....much appreciated. FUJI
  10. An incredible study Paul....I have always reckoned that if you can see all the detail in the eye of a fly, you have nailed macro. Congratulations! FUJI
  11. Hi Paul, No, my friend it is you who is the hero..... ....yes, selling your original gear was tough, but I there has been a point similar to that in everyone’s life. During my 82 years I have had lots of them along the way, but like yiu, I am a....cup-half-full....person, always optimistic.....this tends to produce the silver linings which help reduce or even eradicate the negatives. The recent loan of lens from Geoff is a good example.....soon you will have a camera that will do what you want. you were a huge inspiration to me when I got completely taken over by the macro bug.... then fate took a cruel hand, when serious retinal problems threatened then severely restrict my usable vision. just like you, I sold all of my kit.....but, unlike you, I was able to transfer to Micto-Gour-Thirds gear, and I haven’t looked back...the LUMIX GX8 has the Godsend of a Tiltable viewfinder, which helped me to develop new techniques, and to compensate. Thankfully my vision is now better than it ever was thanks to three incredible eye surgeons; but I wouldn’t swap my GX8 and it’s collection of varied lenses for anything. They give so much pleasure and have made me many friends. Just stick in there.... all will come right eventually..... Please keep the pics coming..... I always look forward to seeing them. this pic was taken through one of my DIY lenses...a tiny vintage Cine camera lens hot glued into an M42 adapter... my cheapy flash has a layer of kitchen towel as a diffuser.... Stay safe and Positive..all willl be well. FUJI
  12. There are quite a few of these available Polly.... the film makers were very enterprising. Their ploy was to widely advertise the fact that they would be filming in a certain city or town on a particular day.... movies were in their infancy so the whole thing was a house novelty and draw for all ages and classes. Also on the advertising was that films shot, would be shown in the local cinema’s or suitable halls.... fascinating stuff FUJI
  13. Hi, all Dee phoned my just now....see my chatbox message. She gave me ...Google Earth ...details....This is what I found.... it may not be this exact property, but one very similar according to her description and given address .... ideal for a single occupant... close to parks and all facilities.... she can’t wait to get a working internet connection.. Isn’t modern tech wonderful? She sends ooodles of love to all. FUJI
  14. Hi Heather........good to see you again.... despite everything things are still ticking over nicely. FUJI
  15. Just fantastic Dee... take your time you will get there.....eventually...tell us about that weather.... FUJI
  17. Thanks for that info Martyn..... Shaye is certainly one of the most talented jazz trumpeter and band leaders currently playing... I love her unique casual looking , but firm control via simple signs all the other players take their timing from.... please other members of TIPF ...seek this band out on YouTube.... you won’t regret it......real music from the very soul... FUJI....
  18. Tuba Skinny....the best Contemporary trad jazz band Ever...... seek out their numerous videos... Shay, the trumpeter is the leader.... an incredibly talented group.
  19. Purely by chance, opened this fascinating glimpse into a long gone English life.... almost certainly Lancashire or Yorkshire, going on the shawls and clogs.... The video has a rather strange start.... but once going, it will fascinate you.... people from another time almost making contact over the years....obviously playing to the new-fangled cine camera...a real rarity back then.. FUJI.
  20. A superb shot John...a well deserved win. FUJI
  21. Hi, Folks.. This is one if the best presentations on this subject I have viewed... so I share it with you..
  22. Hi, both.... yes...new, or, vintage lenses can give real pleasure... Any old lens can be made into a tilt-shift one.... have a few bevies too many then go out with your camera.... walking, of course. FUJI
  23. Very well done Cheryl ....a well deserved win.... I enjoyed the challenge too. FUJI
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