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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by MattGrey

  1. Thanks. Weather in Cornwall is just miserable at the moment. Hopefully Wales is better. Would love to have a few days up there myself.
  2. Lovely set and some amazing colours. If I may suggest, the first works a little better without the strip of water at the bottom? Love it all the same.
  3. Great shot, looks like a beautiful place to photograph.
  4. For me, it's the first one. The second is just a touch too dark and it muddies some of the texture in the wood. The exposure on the first is spot on,
  5. Thanks Clicker and Paul. It is good to be back out. Didn't realise how much I'd missed it until I forced my self outside with a camera. Clicker, I liked the last one to. So much so, it took pride of place over my desk.
  6. Hello all. I've had a break from photography since the end of Summer 2022. Had a lot going on with family and friends that kind of killed any enthusiasm I had, but things are back on the straight and narrow ( or close enough ), so i've been back out. Have added a few from the last couple of outings.
  7. 4 exp HDR of the setting sun over Enys Dodman at Land's End.
  8. Angle of Death, Monarch to the kingdom of the dead Cracking shot!
  9. The trick to getting less tourists in the shot is to follow the tide out so the water is still too deep for most to walk, so long as you get to the front of the queue, they're mostly stood behind you. At low tide in the summer it's unavoidable, unless you go for a looooong exposure and hope they blur out. Otherwise it's photoshop to the rescue!
  10. I got there a little late and would have liked more water on the causeway to play with, but still pleased how this turned out.
  11. Spent another evening on this incredible stretch of beach!
  12. ...and the be fair...there are some bluebells in there, so I kinda succeeded in what I set out to do!
  13. Went looking for a blubell shot in Tehidy Woods, Cornwall. Whilst there was acres of them to shoot, I just couldn't get anything I was happy with. This was a shot I grabbed whilst wandering around and still not great, but the best of the day.
  14. MattGrey

    Dark Soul

    I immediately thought of Edgar Allan Poe when I saw this! Great shot.
  15. Great choice. I loved this image straight away!
  16. Nice shot...was planning to do some bluebells shots this afternoon but its very foggy here at the moment....could make for some great shots....could make it a waste of time!
  17. Thanks. I was really pleased with the snail shots. It was a spur of the moment decision to shoot the little chap and not something I'd normally do, but I was really pleased with how they turned out.
  18. Thanks. Of the two this is the composition I wanted and had to wait an hr for the sun to drop below the clouds. The second was me running around in the last few minutes of full sunlight realising I probably should have spent that hr looking for a second composition
  19. Absolutely stunning image! Great work!
  20. I thought I had shared these already but I can't see them. Apologies if this is a double post and I missed them! Both taken at Land's End earlier this week. You can just see Long Ships Lighthouse in the distance.
  21. Great set of images...I've been dabbling in longer myself and just watched a YouTube video of some chap photographing that little lighthousey thing. It makes for a great subject.
  22. It's worth a visit if you get another chance.
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