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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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Everything posted by Fogey

  1. Doesn't it make you want to spit? Absolutely cracking image, Paul - a deserving winner.
  2. I've seen this scene before - on the B road heading toward Bala, I believe.
  3. I was trolling through the archives from 2009 onwards. A eclectic mix of memories. Great Tit in flight. The dog walker Autumn Walk
  4. A 600mm lens makes all the difference - especially when you're sat in the lounge. A cracking shot.
  5. Welcome to the forum Homer. What a cracking image and monochrome to boot. I love it!
  6. Sorry to hear that, Geoff. I understand this is a common problem with older cats, although that doesn't really help you at the moment.
  7. Hmmm! I have heard of what is termed creeping fungal growth, where condensation has turned to fungi in the lens. Start at the beginning. Take the lens off the camera and take a shot of the sky. This will determine whether the bunnies are on the sensor. If they are then clean the sensor, maybe professionally. If the sensor is clear, then suspect the lens. If there is dust getting into your lens, I would recommend getting the dust removed professionally, unless you feel competent taking the lens apart to clean it yourself. Look Here This might be a case of and/or sensor and lens. If it is fungal growth, then look here. I always make sure my camera and lenses are sat on a bed of silica gel crystals..............I always allow the temperature surrounding my camera and lenses to stabilise with the outside temperature before using the camera, to avoid condensation, which will make any dust bunnies very sticky. Hope this helps.
  8. Those were the days when men were made of iron. Cracking shot.
  9. The photographer in me wants to say, 'nice shot', the gardener in me wants to zap them with an insect killer.
  10. Nice work, Geoff - a step back to the 1930's.
  11. Excellent set, Mark. Such detail.
  12. Well done for that Mark. I know from personal experience how troublesome dust bunnies can be.
  13. There are a plethora of images to choose from for this week’s POTW; which have made me really pause for thought, regarding what I look for and how discerning I should be in my choice. There are three images that stand out for me, Lake District, by Monkey, (my preferred choice); The Tall Ship, by Hatter; and Root Maggot Fly, by Mikbone. However, my preferred choice has so many dust bunnies in the sky spoiling the overall scene, I have, (regrettably), discounted it for that reason. So my choice for this week, by a shade, is Root Maggot Fly, by Mikbone. Congratulations Mikbone Full thread here
  14. Certainly is rugged terrain. Lovely capture.
  15. A couple of tutorials for absolute beginners or photographers that haven't moved on from the Auto mode on their camera. The camera tutorial is based on a Nikon D500, but should be relevant for most DSLR cameras. The second tutorial is an extension of the first and covers most of the tips and tricks with the modern camera. Written In PDF format they can be read on line or downloaded for later perusal. back to basics update 2.pdf Photography tut 3.pdf
  16. Well done Mik - it was only a matter of time.
  17. I went there last Wednesday, Clicker.
  18. Not a place I would normally visit, but we were showing some friends and relatives from Canada around. The place was crawling with visitors from all over the world if my ear for accents is to be relied on. The lighting conditions for photography was appalling and as they discouraged flash photography, the day was very challenging. Not one shot didn't have some processing, from removing some annoying woman who had a reading age of a 5 year old, the length of time she spent reading about each painting, to dealing with noise from high ISO's and blown out highlights. As I say - very challenging. The following were the only ones without Emmets cluttering up the place, and we spent some time here, experimenting with the cameras to get the best out of the very dingy natural lighting from the windows.
  19. Wow! What a cracking shot - words fail me.
  20. Wel done Gareth - a well deserved winner. Good choice Clicker.
  21. I really am lost for words.
  22. Congratulations, Paul. Some stiff competition this week.
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