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Everything posted by skullfunkerry

  1. skullfunkerry


    Fuji X-T4, ISO 160, F/4, 1/800sec. Dropped the shadows & bumped up the black point in Affinity to hide the background. Love the way it came out
  2. Cracking shot, love the moody sky
  3. Thanks Polly! I love the thought that they designed the plane, and realised that it looked like a beluga whale, so painted a mouth & eyes on and properly owned it
  4. I've never seen anything like that before. Is there any chance that there was enough breeze for the flowers to be in slightly different positions in some shots? And the ghosting is like an artefact from where there's a mix of green & white in lower layers?
  5. Oh wow, I didn't know such a thing existed! Do you have any photos that you can share, of the cameras themselves, or that you took with them?
  6. (Just in case anyone was wondering, this is of course an April Fool's joke)
  7. Nicely caught! I saw one at RIAT a couple of years ago, it's quite a machine. I found out recently that one of my friends works for Airbus, so I'm going to see if there's any way of getting access for some photos
  8. I’m not left-handed, but I’m still impressed: ”X-T1 was originally released in 2014 to celebrate Fujifilm’s 80th anniversary. It would go on to lead a mirrorless camera revolution. Almost a decade and five generations later, Fujifilm’s latest imaging technology brought us the X-T5, bringing photographers unrivalled image quality in a timeless, classic, and beloved camera body. Now Fujifilm is innovating again: featuring the same 40MP sensor and standard X-mount, X-T5L will cater to those left-handed among us who still want the premium APS-C experience but have always struggled with right-handed cameras”
  9. Thanks Fuji. Yes, I know it's cheating but I do like that shot (and in my defence, I don't know the girls in the window) I did see about your diagnosis, yes. Very sorry about that; I hope you get your kidney diet sorted and that you can keep getting out and about.
  10. Took this for a competition on another site, theme is “Book”. Fuji X-T4 & XF 35mm F/1.4.
  11. It does get easier the more you do it. I’ve taken a few with people in now, and I even asked someone if she minded being in a photo once (that was very nerve wracking!). (you might be able to tell from the camera strap, but I know this guy - we were out with a camera group)
  12. That's a lot of snow! We used to get snow like that when I lived in Devon, would have been around the same time as this photo was taken I guess. The country would grind to a complete halt if we had snowfall like that now!
  13. Really nice, I love all of those - especially the last one; the light is absolutely magical!
  14. Part of me is appalled at this... but I also remember when I worked at Queen's Hospital in Romford, how it sounded some lunchtimes when just under the general hubbub of conversation, one of the volunteers would play the piano. Mostly it was kind of nice, but occasionally he'd go very wrong, and then it was like being in a horror film
  15. NIce! I love the moon, I'm always out in my garden taking photos of it. I'm fairly sure I speak for most (if not all) of us here John when I say that we wouldn't mind you posting without a photo.
  16. There's a roundabout near me with a sculpture in the middle; I tried some shots from low level there, but there wasn't much traffic about so they didn't work brilliantly, although I did get an ambulance in one shot. It's on my list to go back and have another try.
  17. Yes, if you want a decent amount of light streams.
  18. Cracking shots! I tried this at a junction in Southend a year or so back. Your shots are better than mine though
  19. Meant to say @Monkey, your dog has beautiful eyes!
  20. Really lovely. I think I've been there; is it somewhere near Warwick?
  21. Very nice! Did they have any Aero 8s there?
  22. She's very timid, @Monkey so she probably wouldn't go loopy: she'd come over for a sniff though. Anything that's greyhound-shaped is fine, but she won't go near any other dogs. We've got her used to dogs of a couple of my wife's friends, and we meet up with her brother for a walk from time to time, but that's about it.
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