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Everything posted by JamesT

  1. JamesT

    Train Driver

    I like how this has worked out. "Zen and the art of railway driving".
  2. and construction cranes. seen from HInksey heights.
  3. Thanks Rye As I said, first time for me. I just spotted something dark and long in the grass by the path. At first I assumed it would be a grass snake, but on closer inspection recognized it as a slow worm.
  4. Not perhaps the greatest shots, but the first time I've ever seen one.
  5. But one that often works. I've had much more success shooting insects with the big Sigma than with more typical macro lenses.
  6. Well spotted! Not seen one that well for many years, though I heard one booming for the first time last weekend.
  7. Yes. I was at one of the screens overlooking the reedbeds and heard it behind me. I think I've heard more cuckoos this year than I've seen swallows.
  8. A miscellany from today's trip to Otmoor Sedge warbler in full song Are they all yours? Cuckoo And the (not so) common crane
  9. My immediate thought about @MattGrey's error would be that he caught the servers in the process of an upgrade.
  10. Given the layout, I don't think it would be possible to run the place if they had to keep everybody back. Obviously they do keep people off the demonstration lines. There's only one engine moving at a time in the shed and turntable areas, so they just have a flag man clearing the track ahead of it.
  11. Thanks everyone. I'm not sure when they normally appear round here. In fact I think I've only seen various blues and azures in the garden before.
  12. Till they start eating each other. Compared with last year, they seem to be 2-3 weeks earlier and several times more numerous.
  13. A few more of Pendennis Castle: The King and the Castle Passing the mail drop On the demonstration line. And so to bed: All taken with the Bronica ETRS. The colour one on Rollei CN200, the B/W on Shanghai GP3 in 220 format.
  14. I think it's a glossy ibis https://www.flickr.com/groups/birdguide/pool/tags/Plegadis falcinellus
  15. Thanks Polly, that spot is usually good for a image. I like to think of it as my Tenaya Creek.
  16. Thanks Cheryl & Monomania It doesn't have a built-in meter, but there is a TTL metering prism, which I was using as a viewfinder as it's easier than a waist-level finder for moving targets and when I need to shoot over fences or heads. My copy, at least, is a bit intermittent so I was using occasional readings with an external meter + sunny-16.
  17. The bend in the Letcombe Brook. Late March this time, but from the same roll as the wierd statue.
  18. Some very atmospheric images there, with the sunlight through the smoke and steam.
  19. Taken back in January, but only developed a week or so back. It's pretty much as much in the middle of nowhere as it looks. On a footpath running south from the Ridgeway. There is an inscription at the bottom, but it's faint, cursive and was over-illuminated.
  20. I agree, a fine portrait. I was a little thrown there, turns out that the Australian Raven is a different species. The northern hemisphere Raven has black eyes but the Australian has blue-grey.
  21. Thanks Paul. Hope your frogs do come back and use the pond (they can be pretty elusive so they may be hiding just by).
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