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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


POTW 12/01/2014


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Sorry about that little lapse. Got up at 5.30am so it wouldn't be too late for you over there, and bingo - down all connections went!


It has been an enjoyable week monitoring new posts, and there have been some really good ones, with the 'Landscape' section doing well.


Blackrox's 'Break in the Clouds' picture was just lovely, and perfectly stitched.

Martyn's 'After Dark', and 'Arnside Viaduct' were great,

StanPhotography's 'Swans' were just beautiful to look at, and Annie's 'Accident' was really nice!


There were two posts I kept going back to for another look, Colin's 'Lincoln Cathedral Overview', and his resulting HDR post. I really liked every image in this post and was hard pushed to pick a favourite. So much detail, history and precision were very well represented in all of the pictures, but I had to choose one so I've gone with the close up of the chandelier in the overview post:






The subtle colouring is terrific, yet stands out well against a similar coloured background, composition is great, and there is lots to take in, in detail.


The original post can be seen here: http://www.tipf.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4889


Well done Colin, a series of fantastic shots!!






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thank you for choosing one of my Cathedral pictures Kobione and I'm pleased you enjoyed them all and there is a little story that goes with this particular picture although I can't vouch for it being true.


The 3 figurines should all have been similar but the original Master Craftsman let an apprentice copy him by making him sit opposite and follow everything he did, consequently one of the figurines is the mirror image of the other two holding the candle in the left hand rather than the right. The left hand of course was always associated with the devil which makes it odd that the figurine was still used, maybe no-one noticed until later?

Edited by colinb
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Great pictures, Colin. A well deserved win!


 The left hand of course was always associated with the devil which makes it odd that the figurine was still used, maybe no-one noticed until later?


Being left handed, I'm lucky not to have been burned at the stake by now! Fortunately, times have changed.

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