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Little Egret

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A Little Egret on the River Calder at Whalley..



I liked this one because it looked almost like it was looking at it's reflection in the water.


That beak looks a lot bigger in proportion to it's much larger cousin the Grey Heron



In case you're wondering just how big Little Egrets are, the bird in the background is a regular male mallard duck...


One thing I did notice about this bird compared to the usual regular Grey Heron is that it moved about a lot more, it would also stamp it's feet when wading about....


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12 minutes ago, Rogerw said:

really nice detail in the white ,always a bit hard to get.

Thanks Roger, it is. It wasn't too bad for the first two images as the sun hidden behind some dark rain clouds.

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Apparently according to Wikipedia:

"they stalk their prey in shallow water, often running with raised wings or shuffling their feet to disturb small fish, or may stand still and wait to ambush prey." - the one I saw did all these things.

"On land they walk or run while chasing their prey, feed on creatures disturbed by grazing livestock" - which sounds like what the ones you see are doing.

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