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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


A Slice Of Your Life 18/06/18 - 24/06/18

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Just the usual work again today, but had a drive out to Roddlesden after finishing work, I was hoping for a bit more light.....

A walk in the woods..


The river..


The Waterfall


Roddlesden Hall Well House


Vertical Steam Engine 'Nellie' outside Darwen...


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1 hour ago, John2 said:

I did !  I use it a lot but there are times when I wish I had the X-T to hand. No problem with quality though.

I've been after a X100 since they launched so there is history behind this possible purchase.

I also want something smallish and lightish but still able to offer high IQ without breaking the bank....if I had that sort of cash I'd be talking about more glass for the X-T1. I tries a Lumix LX100 which was lovely and I've tried a GX800 which was kinda cute.....but.....the tiny sensor is a no go so it has to be APSC. I know the X-TRANS inside out, the lens is a peach, the controls are close to my T1 and it is an absolute joy to use. It has a thumb rest on which is fantastic in the hand but using it I've found it stops you accessing the exp comp dial. Its these little things I need to explore before I hit the purchase button.

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9 hours ago, Black Pearl said:

I've been after a X100 since they launched so there is history behind this possible purchase.

I also want something smallish and lightish but still able to offer high IQ without breaking the bank....if I had that sort of cash I'd be talking about more glass for the X-T1. I tries a Lumix LX100 which was lovely and I've tried a GX800 which was kinda cute.....but.....the tiny sensor is a no go so it has to be APSC. I know the X-TRANS inside out, the lens is a peach, the controls are close to my T1 and it is an absolute joy to use. It has a thumb rest on which is fantastic in the hand but using it I've found it stops you accessing the exp comp dial. Its these little things I need to explore before I hit the purchase button.

Just out of interest, I originally plumped for the X70.  That is a great camera except for one thing.  The lack of a viewfinder continually frustrated me because in terms of function it is as good as the XT for most things but in bright light, it was a pain to set.  I just could not see the settings.  I eventually swopped it for a X100 series but I found that I miss that 18mm focal length.  The 23mm on the X100 series is a good performer but for the sort of subjects that I used to pocket the X70 for (Architecture and the like), the 18mm was much more flexible.

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23 minutes ago, Hatter said:

Specs and Drugs and Sausage Rolls

I really like this, it's nice and ordinary, but has a great play on words and lyrics... and arranged as a very appealing collage..... I can almost hear Ian Dury and The Blockheads singing this......

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Another trip to Bendigo yesterday. Had to sit and wait a while in a main street, but we were parked behind a very nice car that attracted a lot of attention from passers by:


Then as we ate a quick lunch saw a Noisy Miner, and a rather cheeky Magpie, who stood on the car bonnet. Guess they both expected to share the lunch!:



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I had a late evening drive around Pendle, to be honest the light/sky wasn't great for landscapes, whilst bright the sky was pretty flat and grey.... Anyway I spotted this on the other side of Pendle, it took me a while to realise they were poppies.... I should have realised with it being the 100th Anniversary of the end of WW1 they might have done something to mark the event...


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04:15 while at work. It's just a phone pic and for some reason seems rather soft, but it had to be taken.
The second is a project taking place on site, a link-bridge between 2 sets of offices.



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Well, it was flippin scrochio today, first I went to Embsay Steam Railway as there was a classic/vintage car rally on

A 1970 Dodge Charger and in the background a Morris 'Woody' Traveller - I hired one in Plymouth in around 1985 for a week when I lived there to travel around Devon and Cornwall (I was a student at the time so couldn't afford my own car) for a week. I remember there was no synchromesh on 1st gear, which meant you had to be stationary to get it in first gear - cost £5 a day to hire....


Watched some steam trains....


And as I had time to spare I went to Brimham Rocks - as the last time I went it rained after the first hour of being there - today though was absolutely scorchio.... and was like an oven up there - mind you it seemed like every man and his dog where up there climbing the rocks...


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A bit late with this as the internet at our hotel was a tad....slow

With friends and (he may be a prospective member) last Thursday in Kotor, Montenegro, From left to right - the wife Shareen, Judy, Peter and meself.


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