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A trial run in our 'new toy'.......

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Finished doing a few bits and pieces of swapping from our out of action Range Rover to the newly acquired one, and the day was lovely yesterday so we went out for a 'trial run'. One of the major adjustments we had to do was modify the back seat area for Kelly & Brodie, because the fair sized gas tank is fitted across the back behind the back seat. Neither K or B have ever been out in a vehicle like this, so we removed the lower part of the back seat and created a sitting area for them using some wood and bedding. So here is an overview of the trip:

Headed off and turned right from our drive on to our busy road - and there were no kangaroo road blocks!


Stopped at one of our usual spots for a bit of a walk in a bush area:


Moved on, and this is where we decided to go, up Mount Moliagul - not the biggest we've ever done, but the track, even though quite well maintained is still 'off road':


Off the bitumen and on to this:


There were a couple of steepish bits, but not spectacular, but we got to the top very easily and comfortably:


Views like this for pretty well 360 Deg:



Lovely to see a nice Wedge Tailed Eagle overhead too:


Spent some nice time up there, just chilling, and then cruised home - nice little trip no probs, and the girls loved it!

I will do some more stuff on 4WD, for Denis & Korky & anybody else that likes that, but I've got to go through about 3000 slides and pictures and scan what I need, and I have to admit that I do get a bit sidetracked when I'm browsing. it will come soon.



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We have a lot of these vehicles in my town that are put to extreme use.  They have to cross a 2 mile tarmac jungle negotiating the odd puddle. They need to be able to idle outside of the school gates for 20 minutes as the driver prepares for the arduous 2 mile return journey home again negotiating the odd puddle.  ?

Your landscape says you need a 4 by 4 Dee.  Look forward to seeing more adventures.  

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Thanks BP and David - it now means that when we get to Sheepyard Flat again we should get up The Bluff, and that would be great.

1 hour ago, kev7d said:


Your landscape says you need a 4 by 4 Dee.  Look forward to seeing more adventures.

Kev we have so much of that type of areas available to us so we will enjoy being able to  take  advantage of it again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree, a few months back when I visited Stonyhurst College it seemed by 'de rigueur' that you had to have a black Range Rover in order for your kids to attend, they were literally arriving/departing in convoys of 4 or 5 at a time for over 60 minutes..........(but then at £35,610 a term fee for 6 years a £50k Range Rover is almost peanuts by comparison) It's all tarmac and normal roads to get there..........

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47 minutes ago, colinb said:

All good points but then again here in the UK if you do dare to travel a legal unmetalled by-way in a 4x4 you might be surprised by how violent and aggressive Ramblers can be. 

Colin we are so lucky to have literally unlimited area available to us to enjoy like this. They are getting a 'bit picky' in some national Park places, but it's usually to do with preservation of something rare, so no driving off track, and it still leaves heaps of options for us.

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11 hours ago, Kobione said:

Colin we are so lucky to have literally unlimited area available to us to enjoy like this. They are getting a 'bit picky' in some national Park places, but it's usually to do with preservation of something rare, so no driving off track, and it still leaves heaps of options for us.

You are very lucky Deee, I gave up researching and driving the green lanes of England and Wales in the late 90's there was around 1700 miles of legal umetalled roads in England and 30,000 miles of footpaths (non drivable) but it all become to political for me and others. Sadley now many of the green lanes are overgrown and unusable by almost anyone. Drive them while you can.

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