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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Selfie Weekend

Black Pearl

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On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 18:31, Phil said:

Now that's cheating. All these years you've been telling us how hard you work on your mowing days, I had visions of you pushing a 50's style unpowered hand mowers, not realising you were sat on your bum all day. My eyes have been opened :whistle: :happy:

Phil - 'sat on my bum all day' - mainly for the 8 hours driving!! The whipper-snipping, hedging, pruning etc. and then the clean up blowing does involve quite a few steps for the daily total :D

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Another weekend is looming - how about another round of photography...

This weekends theme is:

Whatever you are up to.

You might be planning to go out for a wander, you might be gardening, popping to church, shopping, going out for a nice meal or just laying about in your jim-jams.
We don't need photographic masterpieces - just a snap-shot of life here on TIPF.

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A video from this morning. It's a little boring as I'm still getting used to the controls, but if you manage to watch it through you'll see the drone tip on landing, another prop bites the dust :whistle:


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Took the girls to 'the beach' for an early walk yesterday:


Today - did a bit of sorting out in our shade house:


and then rushed very briefly in to our busy little town:


That's just about our weekend done, although tomorrow is a public holiday over here.


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On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 14:43, Phil said:

A video from this morning. It's a little boring as I'm still getting used to the controls, but if you manage to watch it through you'll see the drone tip on landing, another prop bites the dust :whistle:


Phil, I was always a fixed wing flyer in my R/C days, but I can fly a R/C helicopter (just). When I was learning we had a couple of 3 foot bamboo canes cable tied into a cross and then cable tied to the underside of the helicopter. This was to stop the aircraft from tipping on landing and breaking the rotor blades as they were not cheap. Don't know if it is possible to fix to a drone or not. You probably just need a bag of spare props until you are more practised.

Phil just watching the landing again you had some sideways motion, I,m no expert but try and bring the drone to a stationary hover and then slowly descend. Sideways motion will bring the chance of a tip. 


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3 hours ago, Denis said:

How high was your drone flying Phil?? quite impressive !

Maximum legal height of 400', the software won't allow it to fly any higher. I do have the ability to change it and get the drone to over 5000', but they'd probably throw the key away if I was caught.

Ron, another boob on my part, the ground was uneven which caused the drone to tip.
It seems I've become the brunt of many family jokes over the last week, so just to prove to them I can actually land the thing I put together this very short video. Music is tongue-in-cheek :happy:


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Well another weekend is almost here and it seems that a number of us have enjoyed posting just for fun over the Saturday and Sunday.

Judy has put forward a subject for this weekend and it is FOOD.... growing it. buying it, preparing it, eating it or any interpretation you choose.

As always its just for fun so please try and join in, the more of us the better.




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1 hour ago, Judy said:

Just to say that I did include Wine and other booze in the definition :jig:

Oh good Judy, as I do seem to spend certain parts of the weekend in a alcoholic haze...:lol:


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Soon to be turned into Mary Berry's Roasted Butternut Squash Soup. I'll be having a big bowlful with crusty bread.

I was a fan of Heinz Cream of Tomato till I realised just how much salt and sugar is in the stuff!



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This looks yummy Korky - we rarely if ever buy pre-made sauces, soups, food in general. Im on 'Slimming World' and not seeing it at all as a diet - it makes so much sense and makes you realise why the world is getting obese. Enjoying the cooking and general experimenting and coming up with low fat 'fakeaway' ideas. It's time takeaways did low fat food. The hidden fats, sugars, salts and additives even in a tin of soup is terrible. Hooray for the sugar tax - I think the same should be done for these greasy fast food take aways. Our local Italian restaurant has a 'slimming world friendly' menu and word has it that the food is as delicious as the full fat variety. Not tried it yet, but its pending! RANT OVER! - So....for my food image - wait till I serve up my roast beef dinner. Spray oil on the roasties with parsley and garlic salt to pimp them up. Lots of fresh veg, home-made yorkshires and (sadly, cos I don't know how to make it) bought horseradish sauce.MMMMMmmmmm

Edited by CanonChrissy
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Our weekend away was good - lots of fun with the G'kids, and, being as we were in the right place, David and I went to Port Albert for a drive on Saturday. Not good weather - we actually got rain, so no pictures -  but there is only one lunch you can have at Port Albert - a Fisherman's Co-op selection:


This is the freshest fish meal we get to eat.

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