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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Still not a confirmed ID on this hairy caterpillar (someone suggested ruby tiger moth) but it looks much too pale to be that... Paul.
  2. It's camouflage and protection. While these lacewing nymphs are voracious eaters and love aphids etc, they can be targeted by their own species - so this "house" prevents cannibalistic con-specifics. Paul.
  3. Amaurobius sp. male and female in close proximity on the garden.... Uncropped and cropped for extras. Paul.
  4. Thanks Geoff. They are rather unusual despite being common - though not easily found. Paul.
  5. A crab spider: An opilione: A few bugs in the soil... A miridae bug And finally two globular springtails courting... Paul.
  6. Spotted this little 'un - not sure but I think it's only the second time I have found one in the garden. Paul.
  7. Well done Polly, lovely image. Paul.
  8. This afternoon on my compost bin. Two globular springtail head-dancing - or whatever it is they are really doing... courting of course! Deutosminthurinus pallipes, maybe. Teniuphantes sp spider. A vivid coloured larva in the same place (with an Orchessela cincta passing by to give some size comparison). A green thing is an early instar nymph of Cicadellidae, ca. Empoasca etc. Paul.
  9. Great shot. I like these flies - they have such graphic bodies! Paul.
  10. Lovely vibrant colours too John. A marmalade hover I think. Paul.
  11. Cheers again John m8. Paul.
  12. Thank you John. Paul.
  13. Ladybird & a fly tonight: Paul.
  14. Pieris rapae, I pretty sure (but I have been wrong before...) Paul.
  15. Lovely - we had some in our garden last summer but not this. Paul.
  16. Harvestmen essentially have an oval body without the separation a spider has (head and body). They also do not produce silk or a web. They are not true spiders. Venom produced by spiders helps them in their role as predators, but harvestmen do not need venom because they are scavengers. They feed by searching over the ground or over plants for small insects, eggs, or dead material (either plant or animal). Paul.
  17. The European Harvestman I suppose... Phalangium opilio. Paul.
  18. Good gracious - a big thank you Polly for selecting this - I know it's a lot more abstract than most (of my) macros, and maybe that's what makes it so different. Thank you for choosing it. Paul.
  19. Haha, thanks Polly... It wasn't that small really, about 2 inches or more across the leg span. Paul.
  20. Thanks Polly - it was almost surreal watching them move in the air - a freeze frame is so different to watching them almost seem alive! Paul.
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