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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 



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Everything posted by ChrisLumix

  1. Slightly puzzling. I already have Nik - these may be more up to date. But they say I must have : OS X 10.7 or higher plus Photoshop CS4 or higher but I have OS X 10.6 and Photoshop CS6. That doesn't quite compute. Maybe I should backup the Nik Efex I have and then download them again and see if they will work.
  2. I saw that mentioned elsewhere - I thought "it's not April 1st quite yet...". Makes you wonder what Google stand to get out of it? Maybe they're about to unleash a whole new set of whizzo plugins.
  3. Hi Polly - you got the Challenge number wrong - it should be 38 not 37! (37 is already up for voting, and is the "Round" challenge).
  4. Great choice of a great picture
  5. There hasn't been any voting for days for reasons beyond our control. However it's clear from what has been voted so far, Polly is the winner. Congratulations! Your turn to pick a theme ...
  6. Would it work for all Panasonic cameras with wifi?
  7. At last! Yesterday evening couldn't get in at all after about 3 views.
  8. Except I don't have an iPad! Maybe I should get one... (would it connect through a Kindle Fire? Would be worth splashing out the £50 for one if it does).
  9. It's not a fashion!! She's either dressed up as Pierrot or Columbine (I can never remember which). Great shot though.
  10. I agree with Chrissy. It really doesn't matter, in fact for the few of us who are physically unable to indulge our hobby as we used to, an image should be just that - an image, irrespective of when it was taken. I do not intend, unless I want to, saying when I took a picture. EXIF data for really old shots is, in any case, irrelevant and misleading as it shows only when the image was digitised. In case you think I haven't expressed myself fully () that's a "No".
  11. ChrisLumix

    POTW - 13/3/16

    Well done Colin - #3 was my POTW.
  12. I actually took 2 shots with vastly different apertures - I preferred the shallow depsh of fieldsh. hic
  13. It was a lovely day, so a scoot to Waitrose was in order..
  14. Yes, sad. I couldn't stand ELP but when quite young I did like The Nice. His biggest mistake - it seemed to me - was to do without any guitarists after Dave O'List left them, which if you listen to the original version of their take on 'America', is rather obvious.
  15. ChrisLumix


    There's your problem right there. If they feel you're assessing them as a man rather than as a photographer, they could well decide not to play.
  16. "There are only two rules in photography : 1. There are NO RULES! 2. If you do happen to find one - BREAK IT!" (If that's not Elton John at 1:00, I'd like to know who!)
  17. Just a note of warning : on the lunchtime news there was an item about how birds of prey are being trained to recognise and take out drones...
  18. Both feet here - the round one is the one that does the job.
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