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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by Ryewolf

  1. To be fair the ranger at the end of the video, said he'd have no problem with a couple of people with a tripod, it was only when it looked (to him) like it was something commercial was going on...
  2. Ryewolf


    Day 10: Dusk: There must be a great bird God in the sky that makes them appear.... Day 11: Worms.... There is a great bird god in the sky.... Day 12: Worms!! See, I told you there would be worms... To be continued....
  3. Ryewolf


    #1 Day 1: Ummmm.... Worms! #2 Day 2: More Worms!!! #3 Day 10: Hang on! Where are all these worms coming from???? To be continued......
  4. Whenever I try and use the Ad/dRemove Components for Microsoft Seasons 2015 I get a couple of C++ Runtime Errors. For example I tried to Unistall Winter and Install Sumer and got similar error messages: #1 Uninstall Winter # 2 Install Summer In both cases I got a similiar error that that it wasn't supported in the UK, I tried contacting Microsft but the were unable to help, so wondered if anyone had any work arounds that might work?
  5. This Sunday, I'm off watching and photographing the JSRA Jetski Championiship at Avos Water Sports Jetski Lake between Tareleton and Southport, as well as the racing they also have the Freestyle Jetski Tour on the same weekend, so lots of action photos of jetskis doing tricks. I'll be there for 10 am-ish, so if anyone needs a lift (between Accrington/Tareleton) or wants to meet up thre let me know. I had such a great time meeting up with Leon last week that I thought I'd like to do it again and more often.
  6. Well, I don't mind meeting up, Lindisfarne has been on my bucket list so to speak... Causeway Crossing Times Sat 13 03:25 until 10:45 (Safe) 10:45 until 15:55 (Unsafe) 15:55 until 23:15 (Safe) 23:15 until 04:40 (Sun) (Unsafe) Sunrise: 04:27
  7. Ryewolf

    Wish me luck

    Good luck Leon, I'm off to take photo's of a Jetski Race on Sunday.
  8. Ryewolf

    POTW - 10/5/2015

    Thanks Kobione and Fuji, I'm left without words once again, but thank you everyone.
  9. That 1st shot is just great, he looks well impressed - it might be a few years before he can reach the pedals
  10. Oh, no.. and you did quite a few. The only time it failed for me is when I doubled up on them, there was a distinct magenta cast to them. It was great to meet up with Leon too, and the weather gods kept their promise and there was no rain.
  11. Yes, oopppsss.....
  12. Ryewolf: It's 38.1 miles to Ingleton, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark... and we're wearing sunglasses. Leon: Hit it I've appealed to the weather gods and they've agreed to lay of the rain for tomorrow....
  13. Ryewolf

    POTW - w/e 3/5/15

    Congrats, a famliar plant seen in a different way.
  14. As the weather ihas forecast for rain tommorroe, just wondered if anyone had sggestions for indoor photo locations near Lancashire.......... I did think of the Leeds Armoury...
  15. Thanks for that, I particularly liked the weight lifting squirrel and the chimney swallows ones.
  16. There's also Peregrine Webcams at Sheffield University, one at Norwich Cathedral and Bath St Johns (noth Hawk and Owl Trust) and a Barn Owl Webcam at Sommerset Wildlife Trust.
  17. Ryewolf

    POTW w.e.26/04/15

    Ohhhh... well thanks, I'm left speechless. I haven't really got anything else to say, the idea for lighting it with a screensaver was just one of those weird ideas. Many thanks for all your comments.
  18. 23rd May 2015 24th May 2015 25th May 2015 There's steam trains, battle re-anactments, vintage vehicles, artists and performers on the stations. I guess lots of opportunities for photographs, very popular. (I'm assuming the prices are for train travel to and from Bury and all the stations). Quick Tip: The trains coming from Bury (arriving at Rawtentenstall) the engine is at the front, going from Rawtenstall the engine is in reverse.... http://www.eastlancsrailway.org.uk/events-activities/2015/5/1940s-weekend.aspx
  19. Tomorrow I'm off out to watch a Yamaha Jetski Demo Day at a firends jetski lake near Southport, not sure what camera settings to use other than the 'Sports Mode' on my canon, weather is forecast for bright and sunny. Said I'd take some photo's for their website..
  20. Lol, yes only slightly (if Australia is the correct location - which I'm assuming it is)... I'm appealing to all the weather gods - it is Yorkshire afterall and England - for no rain.... I know it's a bit an of an ask.. If not I may get to try out my Storm Sheild lens/camera cover....
  21. Ummm, Ingleton Falls, I've walked it many, many times with my parents and grandparents and the dogs, and it's been quite some time since I last did it- maybe 15 years ago. It's also been on my to do list again. I'm glad you're not planning on fell running - I'm too old for that. Anyways I'm up for this, so I don't mind tagging along. I shall appeal to the weather gods to make it not rain.... anything else will be a bonus.
  22. I've done that as well ,I have both the Canon 12mm and 25m tubes...that will be my next experiment using either or both on the 'Venus;...
  23. Interestingly, I went the opposite, I statred out with a 100mm Canon Macro, which works fine in auto focus and does give very acceptable shots, but because I'd seen so much wonderful shots done on the 'Venus' lens, I thought I had to try it out. The 'Venus' is a f2.8 macro as it the Canon 100m macro, where they differ is the 'Venus' is a 2:1 macro and the Canon 100m is a 1:1. Paul (I hope) is the resident expert on the Venus (I think - unless there are others here using it)
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