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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Man at the station

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It's a good shot. I personally would have liked to not see the front of the train with its burned-out headlight (in other words the train simultaneously entering from the right and leaving to the left of the picture), and a slightly slower shutter speed to add more motion blur.


I've taken the liberty of amending your picture (I've had to crop it, which was only necessary to remove the front of the train - your composition is otherwise better).




I realise it's a purely subjective thing but this amendment leaves the viewer asking "Is the train coming in? Or is it departing?" and I do like that kind of mystery / ambiguity.

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It is interesting, I like both the train with the light there and without. I notice myself that the eye is drawn to the light, which could be a little distracting, but then on the other hand with it there it somehow gives the picture more expectancy. Otherwise the train could have left! But you are raising ideas for me to learn from and I am really grateful for that. Many thanks Chris and Terry. 

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I do prefer the light to remain, it draws my eyes to the left of the shot.


I was on the tube the other week, a bit of a difference I know, but thought to myself that stations and people make fascinating subjects. Endless repetitive journeys and people, Where does everybody go to and come from :)


Good shot Tarlok 

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love the idea, nice strong image 

personally i like the idea of the picture without the light... it makes me think more about the picture.. is the man waiting with excitement to get on the train and maybe start a new life somewhere or is he standing there watching someone take the train out of his life before turning around and setting off on his own adventure .... 

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