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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Selfie Weekend

Black Pearl

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21 minutes ago, Black Pearl said:

Its only because the new dishwasher hasn't been delivered yet and I'm having to do manual labour :growl:

You don't know you're born! I'm the only dishwasher I've ever used, never owned one.
Since 7 this morning I've washed, dried and ironed 2 loads of washing, that and updating the forum, checking on errors, and answering moronic text messages, I've been rather busy :ass:

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Setting the scene for the selfie theme:

Once upon a time there was a boat launch ramp, but now it is an entrance to a driving track:


Consequently, apart from the water in the kettle and the doggie drinking bowl, this is the only liquid I have access to this weekend:




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The  middle one 's my usual tipple but two weeks ago I  found a Bombay London Dry Gin which is fanatstic Unlike most gins  it's botanicals are added by vapour infusion

Unlike many other gins, which boil their botanicals directly in the spirit, the 8 exotic botanicals in Bombay London Dry Gin are hand placed in a perforated copper basket.

I am very impressed by it ...in fact I am still testing  it !:whistle::lol:


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Polly I'll have a look for that to see if we can get it as well as the Sapphire.

We love the distinctive taste, but it is so expensive, (usually about $90 a bottle), that we only have it a couple of times a year as a treat, or if I happen to be passing through an airport and get some duty free!! :lol:

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I'd settled in to watch a bit of top telly last night when a little devil landed on my shoulder and began to whisper in my ear.

"Go on, I won't tell anyone, it'll be our boozy little secret. Just think how nice that Aussie Shiraz would be with a chunk of mature cheese and some crusty bread. Go on, it's Saturday night and you've been such a hero by not having a drink for eleven weeks. Go on, you know you want to. Go on, it'll be lovely."

But I had a will of iron. Nay, a will of the purest titanium.  I brushed the little twonk off my shoulder, told him to come back next week and had a small bar of dark chocolate instead.

Here, friends, I offer you the proof.


STILL Unopened...


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Red wine and ginger beer seem to be a lethal mix - should've known a thread where there's alcohol would cause bother.

Now..... if only you two soul brothers could be pure and clean and wholesome (like what I am), tiny trumplets such as yours would be a thing of the past.

Peace be all over you, I shall light fork handles and remember you in my chants.


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1 hour ago, Black Pearl said:

Its grim isn't it Judy. Just back from a five mile walk and it poured down for the last three so I got home bedraggled and without taking any pictures.

Been up to the High Street - about 1/2 mile away. I usually walk but it was so horrible, I took the car - 30p parking -  spend £5 in Sainsburys and get it back.

Any pics I take today will be indoor or through the window. It's cold as well as wet :(

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It isn't grim here - I had a walk to the library to get a book about indoor bowls. I got chatting with Mrs Grimstock while I was there, she's had a hip operation and can't walk far any more, poor thing. Her dog, Bumper, had a right old sniff at my trousers and seemed to get quite excited. No idea why.



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