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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



Please note  there is an important notice to read regarding the future of this site ... see link below :-


Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


The story that never ends...


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Meal...........Yorkshire puddings, Eccles Cakes, Auntie Bessie's Cream Horns.......the Works!

Now stuffed to bursting, spirit George discovers that he cannot float as spirits should, but can only bob along the ground  like a forgotten party balloon........Poor late George, rejected by Clara and then stuffed by Walter, he bobs along the gutter until the council road sweeper grabs him with revolving bristles then sucks him into oblivion......meanwhile big  Walter and Clara are.............

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loves nothing better than to pluck pheasants.


It's 10pm in Middle Nethertonwick Country and Western Club and the star of the night is about to take the stage. It's the man to make the ladies swoon, it's the one and the only Earl Sterndale. The crowd goes wild as Earl starts his first number, but then TWANG.............

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...one brace gives way, then TWANG, the second lets go. Earl is suddenly stood on the stage with his manhood in clear view in the strategically placed spot light. Being not only a pheasant plucker, but a pheasant plucker's son, the very resourceful Earl...

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I'm calling a time out here - just until whatever it is that you buggers have been drinking / smoking this evening has got time to wear off.

I realise this is Phoenix's thread, but she's currently playing the jolly swag-woman and camping by a billabong under the shade of a coolibah tree and can't be disturbed.


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FADE TO BLACK..........

The day is coming to a close, the Bilabong is all of a rustle with Ozzy wildlife readying for another refresher of a cool night, the Billy is hissing, it's lid bobbing and clicking as the steam escapes as it boils, releasing heady odours of the Roo Stoo she carefully prepared after reading the Cocodile Dundee Bushtucker Cook Book.

She has abandoned the novel about life in the UK, the upstairs/downstairs world of Korking Hall and the goings on at the    Pie Factory welfare hall, the strip tease chapter had tickled her fancy..........she rose from the flames of the camp fire ( as Pheonixes are wont to do) to see if Sport her faithful pal would help her tie her Roo down in the Bush.......at that moment, her thoughts were rudely interrupted  by..........

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Te ta ta te ta ....te ta ta te ta......the faint strains of Waltzing Matilda could be just heard in the distance, the Ring Pulls dangling from the rim of her wide brimmed hat jangled quietly in time to the refrain. Who could be blowing his Digeree at this time of night she thought......then a half smile flickered on her lips as sh recalled her wild time with big Rock Ayres the sheep shear who had...........

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...Banjo Patterson came on the scene and rudely interrupted her reverie. "Hoy Sheila", he remonstrated, "I've started a comic epic pome about a group of photographers in England who run something mysterious called a 'forum'. Like to hear the story so far?" She groaned inwardly and...

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Put them quickly back into her Tucker Pouch because she heard someone approaching........now Pheonix is a shy creature so she hid behind a Gum Tree to see who it was. Swinging along, without a care in the world was Adie Lade, an old mucker our Pheo had been at School with........Pheo was about to  jump out to greet her when she heard another familiar voice belonging to none other than Sydney Oprah Hof......a slightly dotty figure, who kept an unusuall large Wombat in his trousers. 

Pheo, popped out from behind her gum tree hiding place shouting...........


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.....No Thanks .. I think I'm  a bit depressed...jeez  did  yer see the Wallabies only just making it home after being slapped around by those blokes who wear skirts sometimes? I don't know about you but I've  lost  my  appetite  since learning that....

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Them limey's drink something they call Yorkshire Tea......just cooked me tucker with Adelaide, we whacked one o them Long lizardy thingies, then bonged it in the Billy ter boil with a couple of koalas and a dash of Ozzy Plonker's best brew" .......HEY! Yer got a tinny mate, I've got my second thirst, an I'm bustin' for a...................

Edited by FUJI
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Litre or two................

........As he sings as he sups, ......Watzing Matilda, Walzing Matilda........then, after a short while, he exclaims......JEEZ! It's too darn quiet here..........Where is everybody?.........if nobody joins us soon we'll be reported as lost in the Bush, and that'll be .......another story.......

He continues to hum.....( he hasn't washed for a month) .....then all of a sudden....

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overcome by the beer, he drifts into a deep, deep sleep and begins to dream the kind of dream that only dreamy dreamers dream.

It's snowing, it's Christmas and he's wandering the streets of Newcastle upon Tyne. People are speaking in strange accents and faces are not friendly. He looks down and there, in the gutter, he spots a large, red...........

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....bottle of Newcastle Brown.  "Odd", he thinks, in that bizarre way of thinking that occurs only in dreams, "How can brown be red? This is something I must reflect on some more." At that moment a large bus drives right through a mound of slush and soaks him right to the...

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Core, his light cotton knee length Ozzy shorts are just not right for being splashed with icy slush, so still sloshed he slips and slides into Slattery's the Irish Bar, where ( slovenly) in his Green waistcoat Slattery himself, is awaiting his first customer.........Begorrah! and Be-Jasus! He exclaims, where are you after blowing in from, ye look all of a ............

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