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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


One Day - One Photo 30/08/15

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I had forgotten about this, but reading it again I have now set myself a minor challenge. 

I was never up for the 365 challenge, but I have not been anywhere near as active over the past months because of some issues. Now, what I am going to do, after seeing this thread again, is to put a picture on here every day for the next week,  regardless of what day it is.

Don't expect anything highly technical, and all pictures will most likely be taken on our property - it might just be a flower, a lizard, a dog or whatever, and I'll probably be taking at least a dozen photos a day to get the right one. Simply looking to have some fun, with my camera again.

So here is the one for today - a very cheeky Blue Wren sitting in our massive Banksia Rose climber, outside the lounge window:


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Thank you WereBo - ours sing beautifully too!

This was the best I could to for my Tuesday one - one of our 'regulars' has appeared again in the garden. How can I tell he's one of the 'regulars' - not at all phased by me or the girls being close!!:




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9 hours ago, Kobione said:

Friday's picture - a rather pensive Brodie - best I could come up with today:


 :pic:   That expression from Brodie  is definitely saying ,

" Oh Really I'm giving you my most AWESOME pensive look and that's all you can say !!"




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Two from Saturday - purely just for fun.

The first one - yes, bring it down!!!!:


And the second one shortly after - what's this??? Haven't seen this for years!!:


Rain and hail gone now - shame. You can see by the colour of our grass how badly we need it.

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10 hours ago, WereBo said:

 perhaps a good market for reinforced umbrollies there.... grin.gif

Don't think so WereBo - we are in sever drought, and a 'real downpour' would have been very welcome. - We do have another chance later in the week - fingers crossed!!

Sunday - and that means I've done it - one picture a day for 7 days.

A lovely Bronzewing Pigeon standing on a rock saying "I can see for miles from here", and showing off his colours very well:


That's it - I'm out of here, but at least I have picked up the camera and looked for a picture every day for the last week. If I stay in that mode I'll be more active than recently - I'll do my best!!


Edited by Kobione
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