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Hi to all our members ... We  would just like to draw your attention to the latest post on the following link... Thank you for your attention .If you have already responded to my note  on Chatbox  about this please ignore this sticky note ... Thanks  folks ....


Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Thank  you

Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Nearly ready to harvest.


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With heavy rain and thunder forecast for later today and tomorrow I hope this fine crop of wheat is not damaged, I guess the farmer must know it's not quite ready to harvest or he would have done it by now.


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Most of the Wheat is in up this way John., still the odd field here and there but probably waiting for the contractors to make a start. Although this area is a big Wheat growing region, a lot of farmers dont actually own a Combine, they rely on the vast number of contract harvesters that operate here.

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Most of the Wheat is in up this way John., still the odd field here and there but probably waiting for the contractors to make a start. Although this area is a big Wheat growing region, a lot of farmers dont actually own a Combine, they rely on the vast number of contract harvesters that operate here.

This wheat is being grown on Eastnor Castle Estate, more than half of my seven mile walk was on the estate and some wheat no far from this spot had been harvested. So far that heavy rain that was forecast has passed further to the west, more rain on the way tomorrow... I wonder if that will miss us too.

That crop on the far left up against the wood is Maize.

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 I love the area around Ledbury and the town itself is my favourite in the whole of Hereford and Worcestershire ...Drove  through on my way back from Clearwell caves  in the Forest of Dean on Wednesday . I  managed   to capture my first  dragonfly whilst  out that day ....Hope to post it later .

A quintessentially English   scene John ...The cloud shadows on the wheat  lead the eye in beautifully ... :)

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 I love the area around Ledbury and the town itself is my favourite in the whole of Hereford and Worcestershire ...Drove  through on my way back from Clearwell caves  in the Forest of Dean on Wednesday . I  managed   to capture my first  dragonfly whilst  out that day ....Hope to post it later .

A quintessentially English   scene John ...The cloud shadows on the wheat  lead the eye in beautifully ... :)

I took quite a few shots while I was waiting around for the right shadow area to appear, this is not bad but I feel it could have got a better shot had I waited even longer. I went to Clearwell caves back in March... :lol:

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What an interesting place that was John ... I see coincidentally  the chap who started  the venture  of opening up the caves to the public , ( was it a Ray Wright  ?) passed away  the day  before we went .

Oooops   venturing a bit off topic there ....;)

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