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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Duxford VE Day Airshow


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Hello all, I hope you're all well. Not been around a great deal, mostly due to work!

I managed to escape work and get to Duxford for the long weekend. Here are some of mine from the day:

Full album on Flickr is here: https://flic.kr/s/aHsk8V5Fxx

B-17 Sally B 

P-51 Mustang 

P-51 Mustang 


Gloster Meteor 

RAF Sea King 

RAF Eurofighter Typhoon 

Yak Prop Contrails 

Three Amigos 


Meteor Take Off 

Seeing Double 

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What a fantastic set Jam........hate flying....love planes;-)

I remember all the oldies first time around, during WWII.....

The first Jets like the Meteor and the Vampire ( the latter, not featured here) were more than familiar, because of the sensation they caused when first seen in the skies above Coventry and my home town,  just five miles away......these early jets whistled rather than roared.

During the early 1950 s and after I used to attend all the annual  Bagington Air Pageants, spectacular events that included everything from aerobatics, Military, Civil and Vintage aircraft.......The.....King's Cup Air Race ....used to be the highlight and finale.......planes of all types under handicap, racing at top speed at minimum safe height, turning win tips to ground as they swung around tall flexible poles with flags on top.

The early Red Arrows performed there, as did the well known Parachute, Skydiving teams.


take a look here....





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Thanks for the replies. Fuji - interesting stuff, I will have a look on that site this afternoon.

Denis, thanks. Bloody good point! Let me rectify that!


Bristol Blenheim


Bristol Blenheim


Bristol Blenheim


Bristol Blenheim Lifting


Bristol Blenheim Mk.I L6739


Blenheim and Spitfire


Getting a Foothold


Bristol Nacelle


Bristol Blenheim


Blenheim Formation

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Wonderful pictures. Love the matadors shot

If I had not been away I would have been fishing at our local lake over looking Duxford and would have had the usual free air display...

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What a great set of images - I know nowt about aircraft, but I can appreciate the skill required to produce photographs like these.


You have excelled yourself with the Blenheim shots James, I am so looking forward to seeing her fly soon !

I think we see a master at work here ... re iterate ...Fantastic  shots ... really fantastic !

Great set of aero pics!

Thanks for the very kind comments!

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Fantastic set. I have never seen the repetitive prop blur before.

Thanks, Bill! ​Those a contrails caused by the propellor tip vortices:

From Wikipedia:

The reduction in pressure and temperature across each vortex can cause water to condense and make the cores of the wingtip vortices visible. This effect is more common on humid days

The same can happen with propellor tips, that's what is visible in the shot above. 

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