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Everything posted by colinb

  1. colinb

    A Copper.

    bet he was fed up with people asking if his car had broken down
  2. hello Mr Bugmeister (Lee put your bum away we have guests) Welcome to tipf and what is that on your avatar?
  3. not sure Foxes need culling Heather but they are vicious little animals - did you know if one gets in to a chicken coup it will kill every chicken it can sink its teeth into? Unlike some predators it doesn't just kill for food foxes seem to enjoy it - similar to the hounds I suppose.
  4. John I hear what you are saying and do agree with most but what pisses me off is these 'anti mobs' will soon regard your hobby as the next evil. But they never seem to say a lot about lamping and hair coursing which is far, far more brutal, they never turn up to video those 'sports', they never wait in the dead of night for these totally evil people, the Hunts are easier and because of 'horsey' name more political. Just think if this woman trespassed in the back yard of some of the more extreme dog owners who do go lamping, etc - I think she might not have been able to walk away so easily. The dogs in this video are far more passive and under control, the dogs in this video are more likely to be put down at the first sign they are a danger to children. As for fishing... http://fishing.about.com/od/theirside/a/Peta-Says-Hooking-A-Fish-Is-The-Same-As-Hooking-A-Dog.htm http://fishing.about.com/od/fishermensside/a/sea_kittens.htm is just the start, I'm sure soon you will find these idiots making vidoes of fisherman pulling fish apart on a river bank near you (and me).
  5. what the video shows is a stupid person yelling and screaming at the dogs, camera in hand making them even more frenzied. I'm sure if one of the dogs had even nipped her she would have been yelling for them to be put down (which would surely be an injustice) and I think this video shows how under control the dogs themselves are not to attack a person trying to take away 'their' prize of the already dead fox. I am neither for nor against Fox hunting I see them as vermin and if I was to go Fox hunting with a shot gun would that be any better? I've notice of late there is growing 'protest' against the barbaric sport of Fishing which is next on the list of the anti blood sports - yet we still see many vicious dogs owned by people who let them run loose on the street attacking other dogs and children. I don't read cases of hunt dogs attacking children but I do read again and again innocent children being badly bitten or worse by pet dogs. Personal opinion but I think perhaps we have the wrong priority's here and I would rather protest about the children being scared or killed by animals owned by poor dog owners than the odd fox being killed by toffs on horse back.
  6. and Hama are a recognised brand too - just stop dropping the things
  7. some of you might like to sign this petition http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/49422
  8. I have just read a thread by Kobione http://www.tipf.co.uk/index.php/topic/1943-my-first-real-attempt-at-stitching/#entry15093 and whilst I originally wasn't going to post these as they don't really show how much soil is actually in the air I thought some of you (johnP) might like to see these taken a couple of weeks ago just down the road in 'sunny' Lincolnshire. For several days the soil was really being whipped up and off the fields and reminded me of the kalimas found on Fuerteventura. Numerous roads had quite a few small soil drifts, fortunately we've had a little rain which has now helped calm things down and the crops have started to sprout as the weather warms up. can be viewed large
  9. colinb

    POTW 28/4/2013

    wonderful composition - a well deserved potw
  10. sounds like a good idea and I'm up for it.
  11. I know what you mean , we have been with Pipex since the 1997, and BT keep offering us some really good deals - maybe one day but I'm happy with what we pay for unlimited everything. note- Pipex no longer exist so there is no point in me sending you their way
  12. John have you had a word with BT? £26 + line rental is a lot for unlimited considering their current offers - http://www.productsandservices.bt.com/consumerProducts/displayTopic.do?topicId=25633&s_cid=con_ppc_maxus_vidZ59_T1&vendorid=Z59&gclid=CJb569ii67YCFWXJtAodmHsACQ out of interest I assume the orange dongal is for your lap top and you use it out of the home? Just thinking if not why not drop the orange fee and use wifi?
  13. interesting Fuji and I think its more what light you are letting the camera see by than 'what it saw'. The expensive version while softer does have far more noise than your basin version, depending on the final effect I prefer your basin shot. If you are shooting raw there is always the opportunity of adjusting the W/B afterwards?
  14. not sure this is 'news' I think most car buffs would be well aware of these facts, although these days the likes of 1.4 etc engines are far better both power and economy wise than 15+ years ago. Certainly the rise of the common rail and turbo diesel has made many a petrol head change legion. The Prius was always a 'show' car for the green people with little understand of reality and was/is a 'look at me' badge.
  15. ... two men one called Jason Plato, the other Matt Neal who think it is ok to force each other off the road but complain when the 'other' one does it
  16. Nilon Viewnx2 is all you need to process your RAW files and know because I use it all the time, you simply will not get better for 'free'. It is quite simple and very good to adjust w/b, regain lost high lights, etc, as well as resize and crop. Who ever told you it was no good is talking out their bottom. here is a link to the latest version and if you need any help with 'how to' just ask. https://nikoneurope-en.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/55707
  17. colinb

    POTW W/e 31/03/13

    nice shot well done on the POTW
  18. good of you to offer them to members Richard unfortunately they will not fit any of my lens otherwise I would have given them a go.
  19. did you go for the 1.4 or 1.8 - the more you use it the more you will enjoy it,
  20. colinb

    am I mad?

    I'm Nikon biased but not sure I would recommend the 3100, nothing wrong with it but it will only take the new G series lens which are expensive and it does have its limitations for anyone other than a beginner. 2nd hand value - take a look at LCE, I put together a used Nikon D80 with a good working lens for under £300. I still have and use my D80, it maybe getting on but it still takes great pictures and is capable of using older cheaper D series lens http://www.lcegroup.co.uk/Secondhand-Search/ For new cameras I would also search Portus Digitals' site, I know this D5100 is £50 over your budget but is a better camera than the D3100 - worth a look around their site for other brands and do a match with ebay sellers. http://www.portusdigital.com/cameras/dslr-cameras/nikon-d5100-dslr-camera-18-55mm-vr-lens.html If you are going 'bridge' don't forget Fujis' reconditioned cameras all sold by Fuji with their guarantee http://shop.fujifilm.co.uk/refurbished-digital-cameras?cat=48 * bit of a footnote... if you get confused by Nikons D, G,etc lens numbering and not sure about what and where just shout I'm sure we can help. hope this helps Colin
  21. Sorry Phil I've only just seen this (should have gone to...) as you probably know bugs are not my thing but I think the colours are really wonderful and the focus on the eye makes it a little scary creature
  22. colinb

    am I mad?

    I too can understand the need to budget and £40 sounds like a bargain
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