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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


Black Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Pearl

  1. Welcome aboard from the distinctly untropical North East Coast
  2. A fascinating story illustrating how social media, digital imaging and lowering journalistic standards can be manipulated.... https://petapixel.com/2017/09/04/fake-war-photographer-gets-exposed-fooling-world/
  3. Skip the Tree Hugging message and just enjoy the majesty of the music and environment...
  4. Aye - thats the one. Outstanding!!!!!!
  5. Aye - thats the one like
  6. I've looked about but they all seem to embed in blogs or websites via CSS coding.
  7. Came across this website that allows you to juxtapose two images on top of each other with one of those fancy slidey interactive wot-nots. https://cdn.knightlab.com/libs/juxtapose/latest/embed/index.html?uid=b2ce1130-83df-11e7-b5f8-0edaf8f81e27
  8. Brand isn't particularly important but the connection and therefor drive type is. Your basic drives plug in where the original spinning disc HDD goes and can run at speeds up to 500MB/s - more modern motherboards may also have a M.2 or faster slots that can take very, very high speeds drives with speeds in excess of 10Gbig/s but typically running round 2000-4000MB/s.
  9. Mostly use the Lightroom app on my phone to edit images but I also have Snapseed which is very good. When I shoot with Lightroom it records a DNG and syncs it back to my computer at home with all the edits live - I can then further edit it, reset it and generally tweak it to my liking. The added bonus is those new edits then sync back to the phone.
  10. Right then - how about a bit of GRAMATIK
  11. Phil beat me to it - get a good screen then calibrate it as it makes editing your shots far easier knowing what you are seeing is right.
  12. Doesn't need to be OTT so an i5 processor, a reasonable GPU, 8-16Gb of RAM and the most important bit - it absolutely has to have a SSD. The faster the SSD the faster your system will run and the quicker it will browse/load/save your images. You could pay. for an i7 but it won't make a huge deal of difference as few image editing apps can make use of all the cores or even the little extra grunt. Madly expensive GPU's are only useful for gaming and editing complex video streams so don't pay a fortune, just get what the system comes with. If you regularly edit multi layer complex images in PS then loads of RAM might be handy but for regular stuff you'd rarely if ever exceed 16GB. If its cheap and within budget sling more in but don't compromise something else to get it. Now the other important bit... Buy the best monitor you can possibly afford for your budget and get a profiler thingy to use with it. There is no point in having a good PC if what you see is wrong.
  13. My turn to pick means a glass of wine and an hour in front of the Mac reliving the week though the pictures posted - a rather enjoyable experience I must say. Several images I liked but one stood out through its simplicity, impact, creativeness and perfect presentation. I'd have this on the wall which is as good as it gets in my book... Kev's Oingt dans les Nuages Top marks and this weeks winner.
  14. Buy a decent kit and do it yourself - so long as you follow the instructions and aren't completely cack handed you'll be fine.
  15. Dear Santa - I have been a very good boy this year..... https://petapixel.com/2017/08/10/101-megapixel-bw-photos-pre-war-era-racing/
  16. Thanks Colin, very unexpected but a lovely way to end my week.
  17. Stick some decent headphones on and loose yourself in a windy forrest for eight minutes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/3QMV1Vs7CvPLLD8TZbFgTR4/explore-a-british-forest-through-this-beautiful-soundscape
  18. 35mm is my favourite focal length for a 1.5x crop body so this on your 1.6 is very close. They make for a fantastic wander-about-with lens and the larger than a typical zoom aperture give the images a little sparkle.
  19. I lived a couple of miles from Cockermouth for eight years and the amusement of the name never wore off. Its named due to its location at the confluence of the River Cocker and the River Derwent. It makes for a lovely location and a funny name but is also the case of the massive floods that hit the town from time to time, the last big one had the Main Street about ten feet under water.
  20. A couple local to me: No Place in Durham is fun and Witherwack in Sunderland is an odd sounding name.
  21. Not really my thing but its only a couple of hours away and it would be fun to meet up with you all so assuming work doesn't get in the way - count me in.
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