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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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Everything posted by markknittle61

  1. Beautiful image. Martyn. It might make a nice monochrome too.
  2. He is good isn't he, My mom was quite an artist, and her sister used to do fashion drawings in the 1940s I never could draw anything but mechanical drawings.
  3. Thank you Polly, they are muffler hangers for a custom exhaust for my Dodge diesel truck. I have worked with metal most of my life. and was a machinist for 20 years. Now days I mostly work with wood. It's my other hobby, Lately I mostly make boxes. Here is one I made for my wife.
  4. It's a mast on a large forklift.
  5. Weather is always pretty unsettled here, that is one reason we get tornadoes. the saying is if you don't like the weather wait a few minutes.
  6. #2 for me. I have tried several forums over the years and it seems the majority of photographers Choose brightly exposed images over darker ones that often look better, I often get "lessons" on exposure.
  7. Everything is blooming early this year here to so that is a worry for us too.
  8. Sometimes it doesn't take much to make a good image into a great image.
  9. It is still too cold for them here, hopefully we get frogs and lots of lightning bugs this spring.
  10. We have a neighbor that was having a concrete wall built so I went over to see how much damage I could do
  11. cool! rail buses (called galloping geese) are rare here. there were a few, mostly on short lines and used to transport rail gangs (repair crews).
  12. I love this set. It looks like a cold day 100 years ago.
  13. Nice set, Geoff. I miss being in an area that there were steam locomotives.
  14. Beautiful Peony, I love the way you processed the image Polly. I am ready for spring.
  15. Beautiful image and garden, Polly. I too like ferns, I have been to North Western Washington (state) where the ferns grow to 2 meters high.
  16. Gotta Love it when that happens, The most doubtful image turns out,
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