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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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Everything posted by fuzzyedges

  1. Never chase the insects let the insects come to you or you will appear demented darting around bushes and throwing your self into the weeds
  2. Dave here is my set up for macro although it has altered slightly from this Initially I used wireless triggers because they always state old flash guns have trigger voltages higher than 6v, which was an eec directive that no hot shoe voltage should exceed 6v (this is a hanimex at least 10 years old with a trigger voltage in the hundreds ) use of an old gun on the hot shoe although it will work has a tendency to fry the electronics in the camera eventually Since then I found that the pc socket on the camera far exceeds my flash gun trigger voltage as its not covered by the directive so I have ditched the wireless Being Yorkshire the off camera vivitar flash bracket, hanimex flash and softbox cost me all told £15 from carboots and amazon I normally shoot with the 100mm canon 2.8 macro plus 49mm of extension tubes and sometimes I use a reverse 50mm 1.2 on the end of that The only really expensive bits are the camera and lens
  3. I forgot to mention extension tubes can cut down the light probably by 2 stops which is why I said flash and tubes The only problem is getting light close to the end of the now extended lens Its all fun
  4. Extension tubes fit between your lens and the camera body, this shortens the minimum distance you can focus too but you cant focus to infinity (not that you want to do that in macro) The extension tubes click together usually 3 tubes 12mm thick 20mm thick and 38mm or near enough those dimensions depending on maker You can click them together in any combination giving different minimum focus's Too much actually focuses inside the lens which is not what you want. the normal rule is half the focal length of the lens you are using is about max e.g a 100mm lens usable max would be a 38 and a 12 tube but rules are only the start of experimentation They are just hollow tubes no glass in the case of the auto ones the electrical connections run through them so the camera can communicate with the lens, beneficial for aperture control and auto focus (you would probably find the latter irrelevant and stick to manual focus) Kenko are a reliable make but there are many more and cheaper ones you get what you pay for They are a relatively cheap way into macro and it may not be for you so its best not too splash the cash till you know
  5. Ive never used a Raynox attachment for macro but if you look up annies shots you can see how in the hands of someone that knows how, what good results you can get After that its extension tubes, manual ones are cheaper but auto ones are easier to handle as your camera will still have aperture control Macro for £200 ? the advantage of a macro lens is that it will focus from little to infinity so can be used as a normal lens This fact alone means you can find the little blighter and focus in on him, unlike tubes where you have a very limited field of vision until you are close The one thing you never have with macro is enough natural light so a flash of sorts is usually required (gives you a greater dof) The choice is will you use flash?, will you like macro ? With your budget I would go for a flash and tubes then if you get into macro you can save for a decent macro lens That might just take you over the 200 mark by about 80 pounds Unless you can find some second hand auto tubes, as there is no glass involved they are a safer bet than lenses
  6. Its okay but for a 1998 recording it is so dated for that era There seems to be so much synth for effect its a bit like lets throw that in manfred did it in the 70's and as for the tambourines You might guess I am not a fan of Air
  7. Unless you wish to make a big hard copy then good glass and a few pixies help heaps
  8. Building it together for a pirate weekend Taken 22/06/15
  9. I inherited a pair of dockers just after they were broken in, missed them when they wore out
  10. If I go to an event I take only my 85mm lens it makes you work for a shot If I go macro thats different I take a 100mm macro 2 kenco tubes and a 50mm to reverse if needed plus 2 flash guns I havnt used a zoom for years Not for everyone but it keeps me in line and its a lot less to carry
  11. Hi Dave They make doc martins in your shire, great boot Welcome aboard
  12. Not far off it says Market street San Fran 1905 Looks as if some off them had a death wish
  13. This is Air But the footage is fascinating
  14. Should work if its light tight Electronics No white balance No shutter speed 1/30th No choice Aperture if c model No choice Asa setting No choice auto focus No choice fixed Basically film and fire Film 120 http://www.7dayshop.com/120-roll-film Will not be as good as your DSLR but very easy to use http://camerapedia.wikia.com/wiki/Hawk-eye_No._2
  15. ​Look for Phils I think there was a problem for phoenix posting
  16. Go for the minimum people needed double up on positions do two jobs The less cooks in the broth makes running a club easier
  17. Hi Edward Welcome to the boards I live in Yorkshire but then everyone isnt that fortunate I can see why that image is one of your favorites
  18. Hi Monomania More pictures of tulips bring it on
  19. Fortutitus Fuji I have been looking for something to join a mild steel blade into a mazarc cup Was thinking of a silicone sealant but it may have proved too flexable so I was looking for something that set This might just do it, will give it a try Prices vary a lot between Maplin, Amazon and E Bay Ebay being the cheapest by a considerable amount
  20. fuzzyedges


    ​No but I did hear that although he has resigned he is staying on until december just to make sure the shredders are functioning correctly and the hard drives get a good spring clean
  21. Hi Clive Might get a picture of a tulip or two
  22. Cheers John Programmed into the humax You may not have seen this Q&A with Guy Love to watch hiim he is a genuine one off http://www.scunthorpetelegraph.co.uk/GUY-MARTIN-Q-Isle-Man-TT-star-Gear-retiring-dog/story-26387018-detail/story.html
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