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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

Regretfully we have to once again ask members for  some financial support in order to  keep TIPF  running till December 2023. The more pledges we have to become  FRIEND OF THE FORUM  the less the individual cost will be so  if you want this Forum to continue  please follow the link below  and decide  if you are able to  support us . Thank you all for your support in the past ... it has been appreciated  a great deal ...


 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

Hi TIPFers 

I AM HERE AGAIN WITH THE  BEGGING BOWL TO ENSURE THE FORUM CAN KEEP GOING ... Please follow  below if you want to  support the continuation  of this Forum and  this  small but friendly community. 

As always your support is  both vital and appreciated ...

 Clicker and Ryewolf ...




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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. This week I challenge you to take an image of anything with WHEELS (think trains, cars, bicycles, tricycles, prams....) The challenge is open to interpretation, No restrictions on post processing Image to be taken and uploaded between Saturday 13th and midnight Monday 22nd June (UK time), remember to include the date your entry was taken. Voting from Tuesday 23rd June until midnight Friday 26th June. Winner announced Saturday 27th June. (I hope I got all the dates right
  2. thank you, thank you, thank you (she says bowing o the crowd) very proud to be the first winner.... challenge # 3 up soon.
  3. I bought a ring flash for about $35 Australian dollars on ebay - really good fun for macro work, but I mostly only use the diffused white light (and not the flash). Good luck with your project
  4. I won't do this myself, I pay someone to do it. And I do pay particular care whenever I need to change a lens
  5. I've never used one myself, but a woman (www.sallymason.com.nz - I think) did a workshop at a conference I went to last year and her work was AMAZING. I think you have to really be into some contemporary style of photography to get the most out of it, but they do look like fun
  6. sorry Chris, can't help much here, all I can suggest is that you put some tissue paper over the lights to diffuse the light source. This is not my area of expertise (maybe one day).
  7. Hi Ringo, and welcome, I'm new here too. they all think they are a little crazy, but really they are nice and helpful. Congratulations on your camera and a nice lens. I agree with all of the above advice, one day, one lesson at a time, and don't be afraid to ask, we were all beginners once
  8. ​thank you Mr. Lumix, now can you tell me why you have a little yellow plus sign with the # 2013, and I have one with the #3 - what does it all mean?
  9. that's an interesting thought Miss C, I'll lurk for a while and see what happens here first. Is there a reason there is no comps? No one thought of it? No-one wanted it?
  10. ​Older than you, but i"m still hopeful for that award winning photo
  11. ​thanks Clicker, I don't have one particular genre, but I do a bit of black & white, I love street stuff and a little contemporary (the stuff that doesn't fit in anywhere else). I notice that there is no section for 'street' so will assume that fits into urban and architecture, and it would be nice to see a contemporary option. Also there are no instructions in the thread that's called 'image posting guidelines'. Is there a size limit or has this information been located somewhere else?
  12. that's just priceless, love the rim lighting. Photocrowd just finished a competition on 'farm animals'. This one would have done really well
  13. ​that's brilliant fuzzy, you and me will get along grand
  14. ​Thanks Fuji, but you must realise that we are approaching winter here, so the barbie has been put away and the log fire is burning
  15. I've just got back from the USA, and only had one problem during the whole 7 weeks. I was taking a photo from a suburban train (not in the train) and a woman on the train approached, very loudly threatening to get her brother (a big cop somewhere she said) and suing me if I took her photo on the train. (a little paranoid me thinks....) I have quite a big camera/ lens and thought I'd have much more trouble than I did. I think it does help to have some business cards and my card states I am a hobby photographer in a local camera club.
  16. Phoenix

    POTW - 10/5/2015

    Its a beautiful image, I really like the reflection of the bridge captured in the water.
  17. Hi there from across the sea in Australia. I was directed here by a friend on another site. I was told that this place was nice and friendly, and that there were lots of things to learn - so that's good. I am a hobby photographer, I belong to a local club and I enjoy 'little and friendly' competitions. When I grow up I want to be able to take award winning photos. Looking forward to snooping around the threads and become more familiar with my way around.
  18. I have a friend that does this all the time, she says it makes her learn about the single lens and think differently about what she photographs. I seem to be good when I take out the 24-70mm, but whenever I use the 10-20, after about 3 shots I'm wishing I'd brought the other lens with me. I just wonder if I'll ever learn the scope of the 10-20 mm. Sometimes I just use my nifty 50mm, especially in town where I'm a little less obvious, but I always feel restricted. (I do hate having to change lenses when I am out in the open)
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