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Where in the world......................

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Honestly, and this is just my opinion, there is no place on earth like good ole Blighty. I've seen plenty of it but still more to do, given the choice I'd end my days in Scotland


Given the choice it would be Cornwall for me, on account the weather is slightly milder! 

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For me it would be a quiet gîte somewhere in rural France.

I love the country. I love the food and I love the wine.


Sitting outside enjoying a breakfast like this is my idea of heaven...


Follow it by a wander around a picturesque town...


A spot of lunch...


And did I mention the wine...



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On the day we set out for Fiskardo we never made it John. As I was navigating we got totally lost up in the mountains.....it ended in a domestic in a viewing point overlooking the whole of flipping Kefalonia...


We had a big earth tremor during the night on my second visit... the earth certainly moved for me that night... :rofl:

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Wherever we go on holiday, or, for how long, I am always very pleased to return to this........my own little patch of Warwickshire. Our house is on the left in what appears to be a tiny hamlet, when in fact we are on one edge of a very busy town.

The pic was taken from the top of Abbey Hill looking towards the Castle, the Abbey site and the Pool around which I regularly walk.

This huge area of beauty was left in trust by various local benefactors in the 19th and early 20th centuries, we treasure it.

Fuji's own bit of Heaven on earth........I can often be heard quoting that line from the....Wizard of Oz.....

" There's no place like Home"



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I very much agree there's no place like home and in view of that..... Here's another of my favourite places, it's a 40 minute drive and a goodly walk from where we live.


The sculpture is called The Singing Ringing Tree and it stands high on the moors above Burnley.


After the 4 mile walk to get there, it's a great place to eat lunch before setting off on the 4 mile return. Wouldn't mind being there today now I think about it.




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I very much agree there's no place like home and in view of that..... Here's another of my favourite places, it's a 40 minute drive and a goodly walk from where we live.


The sculpture is called The Singing Ringing Tree and it stands high on the moors above Burnley.


After the 4 mile walk to get there, it's a great place to eat lunch before setting off on the 4 mile return. Wouldn't mind being there today now I think about it.




attachicon.gifSinging Ringing Tree.jpg


That statue is awesome Korky!

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That statue is awesome Korky!



It is, isn't it? It's designed so that the wind blows through the tubes and makes a very eerie noise. Strangely, a breeze seems to work best.


Lancashire has four of these so called 'panopticons' - this one is by far the most worthy of a visit.




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I was going to ask does it "sing" in the wind. I bet a percussionist would have a fun time with all those different lengths of tube.



Our Korky, has wind when he sings Ron...........you ask Matron and the other residents just after Glee Club practice ;-)


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My luxury accommodation in the Amazon Basin of Ecuador on the banks of the Rio Napo 120 miles (nearly 4 hours by fast boat) from the nearest town, I spent 5 days there before moving on to the Andes. I'm glad I did it in 2011 as I was easily the oldest in the group I went with and I'll probably never go again.







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Knowing you John I find it amazing that you coped with the humidity....you had an amazing trip, and got some fantastic pictures.


I sweat gallons Annie, I knew I would find the heat, humidity and bugs hard to cope with... but I wanted to do something really adventurous before I got too old... so I did it. I also remember when we went up to 14,000 feet ( in four wheel drives) in the Andes it was only 2-3 degrees C and I was walking about in a short sleeve short and multi pocket waistcoat (no sleeves), all the others were wrapped up in fleeces and nearly dying from altitude sickness, I was hopping about like a kid... :rofl:

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As you know John, I am one of those that cope with heat and humidity...however I do not cope with bites at all, the little buggers seek me out and I react badly, It would not be the heat that would put me of going to a place like the Amazon Basin, it would be the bitey things....I would end up needing a paramedic and there ain't many of them out there...Wicken Fen is bad enough for me!

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I would end up needing a paramedic and there ain't many of them out there.


I had a small accident and really needed a couple of stitches, I slipped on a greasy trail in a rain forest and gashed my elbow on a rock. Very sensibly I had a small first aid kit with me... as did all the others... a couple of Steri- Strips held the cut shut until it healed enough to remove them.

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