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Updating Windows 8


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I use Windows 7 so I know nothing about Windows 8. A friend of mine has a Windows 8 laptop that hasn't been updated in ages, there are loads of updates available. This is probably a daft question but here goes... are these updates likely to include Windows 8.1? If so do you just update as normal or do you need to do anything else, will anything be lost when updating to Windows 8.1. He knows even less than me about computers and as asked me to update his laptop for him and I'm worried about it.

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John, 8.1 will be included in the updates, and it's likely to take some time.

I wouldn't worry about it though, set the updates running and have a cuppa. Since the transition from 7 to 8 I've found Windows to be far more stable than ever before, in fact I've had no problems at all since upgrading a couple of years ago.

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I installed W8 on the bairns laptop a while ago and it has continuously updated - it is running 8.1 now - without a hitch or any issues.

He likes it, its rock solid and once he got used to the tiles finds it far more intuitive than icons and a start menu.


I will add I haven't touched it at all in months which must mean its working well or he'd have been moaning at me.

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I had to buy a new pc after the xp crashed a few days after being informed that there would be no more support (strange happenings there I think), anyway the new one is 8.1.

it took me ages to get round using it, about 3 months.

I just didn't like the look of it, different from 7.

then one day I sat down and just got on with it.

I think the main thing that was putting me off was the apps page, didn't know anything about them, not got a smart phone so everything looked hard and complicated, strange and frightening.

now I just use the desktop page to get around, just like I did on 7.

I have bought office and elements for it, and downloaded them, no problems. updates as and when.

i'll go for 10 when out, maybe wait until after Christmas so they can sort out some of the bugs.

now i'm used to it (in my own way) I find it fine for my uses. it's like everything else, the more you use it the easier it becomes.


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John, 8.1 will be included in the updates, and it's likely to take some time.

I wouldn't worry about it though, set the updates running and have a cuppa. Since the transition from 7 to 8 I've found Windows to be far more stable than ever before, in fact I've had no problems at all since upgrading a couple of years ago.


John - I have to agree with Phil, might be also worth checking to see if the laptop is set to auto install or just download then ask if you want to install. it will take some time as there have been quite a few updates since the launch of windows8/8.1

I'm still not a fan of Win8, probably works great on a touch screen and the email client takes a little getting used too but my main gripe is having to swipe at the right hand side of the screen. Darn icons never seem to pop out when you expect them too ( you'll see) .

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I've replaced my own PC & Laptop while Windows 8 has been around and I still ended up buying Windows 7 machines. I did try W8 first though, I have friends who use it. I decided I didn't want W8 as W7 was more like XP that I was used to and I have never regretted my decision. From what I have read Microsoft have listened and learned, W8 has been a flop as far as desktops and laptops are concerned and W10 is supposed to address this, when it's available I will install it on one of the three hard drives in my PC and leave W7 on the other two so I can try it first and see how I get on with it.

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I'm interested to know what in W7 or W8 people actually USE that makes a major difference?

I start and stop my computer.

I start and stop programs.

I copy/paste - drag/drop files around.

In that respect aren't they all pretty much the same? There's gloss added to make operating systems look nice but at the end of the day what else do you actually do with the OS on a regular basis?

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To throw a bit of a spanner in the works here.....

My Desktop and Tablet PCs are still running ....Windows XP Pro........I panicked a bit when support was withdrawn a year or so ago, but my tech savvy independant PC repair guy assured me then that XP is good for another twenty years, because lots of banks and other major bodies use it and don't intend to change.

He could easily have sold me a new or used WINDOWS 8 pc.....but that is exactly what Microsoft and major retailers want you to do, because you will have to replace all or most of your software.

During the last few days my desktop has shown clear symptoms of a Hard Drive faliure, Freezing, taking over half an hour to start up and all that jazz.

I've just returned from the shop.......I am assured that they can diagnose my drive, clone everything on to a new one with Windows XP Pro working as new......all for circa £200. I will be loading the tower onto my good lady's shopping trolley very soon.

Yes! Yes!

I know that all you techies, Apple Nuts and super rich will take me to task.....but I just can't afford to replace all that software including very late MS OFFICE never mind all my photo software.


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During the last few days my desktop has shown clear symptoms of a Hard Drive faliure, Freezing, taking over half an hour to start up and all that jazz.



This is why I have three hard drives in my PC and I regularly clone Drive C to the other two, I can then boot up on one of the other two hard drives if drive C fails. In fact that did happen a few years ago so I replaced the faulty drive and copied everything over from one of the back up drives to the new one and I'm back to three working hard drives in next to no time.

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All these comments are puzzling me;

FUJI, why would you need to replace your software? I've had no issues at all with compatibility, what software do you have on XP that won't run on W7 or W8?


I will agree that W8 is partly geared towards touch, but as my laptop isn't touch screen I don't use the tiles, staying instead to the desktop which performs exactly as XP/W7, and faultlessly.

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Personally I would avoid it if you can, my laptop has been for repair once and factory reset twice due to win 8.1 Microsoft were even advising people not to update at one point although my update was a forced update so I had no choice. After having to run I diagnostic test and fixing a few registration keys it is now holding but is incredibly slow since the update.

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All these comments are puzzling me;

FUJI, why would you need to replace your software? I've had no issues at all with compatibility, what software do you have on XP that won't run on W7 or W8?


I will agree that W8 is partly geared towards touch, but as my laptop isn't touch screen I don't use the tiles, staying instead to the desktop which performs exactly as XP/W7, and faultlessly.

Phil, I have used Windows Vista on my mates laptop......what a load of rubbish?

Much the same goes for Windows 7 and 8, the latter bring aimed a ...Touch Screens and Tiles like on my Windows 8 smartphone.

I have been computing since the 1980s on a Green Screen Amstrad with a dot Matrix printer and unique office those software.

My first proper PC WAS a windows 3.1 it was made to order, and the amazing independant company advised very expertly on what it should run ...it came loaded with MS Office, COREL Suite and other essentials.....the hard drive and RAM were pitifully small but it all worked and I have never looked back......I still have all the Floppy Disks but copied and then, got rid of bigger capacity ones that required a dedicated drive.

I have upgraded every five to ten years ever since......I learned a very hard lesson last time my C drive went down.....I now have two large external drives, one for photographs and the other for most documents.

As stated, my mist valuable asset is the very expensive software purchased over the years......I might just afford a new Windowx 8 pc but not the new software......I doubt whether a 1990s version of COREL Paint pro Office 2007 would work without hassle.

I will just stick XP pro, it should see me out.


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Fooj, please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to dictate what you should and shouldn't be doing, if your happy with your XP then there's no reason why you shouldn't continue using it. I'm simply confused as to why you think your software won't run on newer versions of Windows. I'm using Office 2007 on W8.1 with no issues, I had an old copy of Paint Shop Pro (dismal software, but that's for another thread :) ) running a year or so back, again, no issues.


The computer I use is now 3 1/2 years old and came loaded with W7, I upgraded to W8 when it was released without hassle.

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I'm using W7, and have been for nearly a year, but I am still not used to it. I think i shall stick with W7 until the end, and that gives me at least five years. By that time something else will be along to replace W10 :)

I still have my XP machine that I built some seven years ago, mothballed in case of emergency or until someone independent produces an upgrade like they did with Windows 98.

I found a tech website that fixed all the things in 98 that microsoft couldnt be bothered with, and ran it for about three years after all support finished :)

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Again what on earth are you all doing with your computers where an upgrade to the OS makes such a difference and you feel you can't get used to it or worse even use it?


You still turn it on with the power button - off with a click or two of the mouse.

You click on a icon/tile to start a program and click the x to shut it down.

You right click a file to copy and right click it again to paste - or just drag it and let go.


Hell - I switch between a Mac at home and Windows at work every day but fundamentally they're the same - I know which I prefer but I don't have to think twice switching between the two.

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