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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


52 - Week 14...

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I’ve been getting a bit fed up with trees and leaves and forest glades, so for week 14 I thought I’d venture into the city. You know, get down with the dudes and grab myself a shedload of that there kudos.


So early Tuesday morning I buffed-up my bus pass, put a knife-edge crease in my lemon-yellow disco trousers, packed a bottle of Tizer and a corned beef bap and (after checking it was OK with Matron) set out for the mean streets.


All was going well until just after eleven o’clock when I was ambushed by an evangelist with a body odour problem who wanted to know if I’d like to find Jesus (no, I wouldn’t). Twenty past one saw me accused by an aggressive market trader who suspected I’d been zooming my zoom in the direction of her slightly suspect underwear stall (no, I hadn’t). Then, mid-afternoon, as I arrived back at the bus station, I was accosted by a middle-aged lady with a hairy chin and a lisp who wanted to know if I was ‘looking for bithneth’ (in my condition? No, I’m bloody well not).


I arrived back at Sunnyside Meadows happy and knackered with some useful images on the memory card, but I think week 15 could see me returning to the countryside and looking for fairies.



Taking a Breather
Deep in Thought
One Man's Trash.....
City Life
Just Passing Through
The Doorway
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Another great set Korky.....

No, please don't abandon the idea of more city shots.........you might blend in more by not wearing your canary yellow disco pants, the diamanté tassels are enough to put anybody off. ;-)

Seriously though.....I love the first, the second and the fourth here, all have your special touch and prove that you are a keen observer with......The EYE!


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#1 and #4 are indeed special (interesting optical illusion in #1 - your eye can get really confused by those stairs until your brain 'turns them inside out'). I also really like #5 - the way the guy has his head down as he walks past, almost as if he is trying to avoid the graffiti model's gaze. (Or perhaps she reminds him of a photograph of Matron as a girl - rumour has it that she actually was one once - that he saw. :lol: )

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