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be honest?


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imagine you are sat there and someone posts a pretty poor picture of a duck or butterfly, they are obviously quite pleased with it.


do you ?


A, tell the truth and probably upset them?

B, pretend you never saw it and ignore?

C, avoid the answer and just "like" it?

D, suggest how they can improve but not actually give an opinion?



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I have never told anyone the picture is rubbish, and I don't think I would. Its a case of knowing a bit about the photographer and how experienced they are. If they are a novice I suppose its polite to ask if they would like some advice and if so be gently but constructively critical. I will always point out the good things in a picture and then suggest what parts to change or look out for with there next shoot, but there is so much conflicting opinions and advice out there it may be best to be totally honest and let the learn by mistake a critique as we all have.



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You didn't like my Duck then Leon?...... ;-)

A true, critic should always use a little diplomacy and tact, and with an individual photographer in mind adjust what you need to say without hurting feelings or making them appear stupid or photographically uneducated.

This isn't as easy as it seems, especially when you consider that comments in print can come across not quite as pleasantly as you first intended.

No photograph is entirely rubbish...........that, has long been proven .....what is hated by some.....is loved by others.......so tread carefully on that very thin ice......I am a long time member of a world wide photo forum.........sad to say.....there are far too many .....Flamings?.....or very real rants about the pros and cons of someones post.......Life is too short for that.

That doesn't mean that you cant be honest, but it is good to remember, that people who live in greenhouses shouldn't throw stones..........so.....if you feel the need to give an honest crit but consider your words carefully, after giving a positive feedback first.

Then again.......it is up to us, as photographers, to be man ( woman) enough to take any criticism or comment.....right on the nose, to absorb what it says then to react in an honest and polite manner, following the rules of both, the Forum and plain Good Manners.

I for one thrive on honest criticism and comments.......many moons ago I was a Set Designer/ Painter for three local Amateur Theatres and nothing gave me more pleasure than to sit incognito in the audience to catch any comments regarding my efforts whether positive or negative.... ..... A true Artist, Photographer, Actor, Writer etc should thrive on criticisms and LEARN by them, and not throw rattles out of prams as many are wont to do.

During my time as a half decent participant of our hobby, I have amassed a huge library of Photography related literature and history.........they prove beyond doubt.....that there is no such thing as a bad photograph.

( could you please return my cheque?..........You promised to LIKE my Duck ;-)

( just don't expect ME to like your .....Milky Water ......or that......Yorkshire Lone Tree ;-)


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I AM and would be honest, tough if you can't take the comment, HOWEVER I always say why


Nothing annoys me and more on sites than the inane

"Nice photo".........................  WHY!


"Great set".......................is it "WHY"


"Nice shot".........................   WHY?


This is of NO use to anyone

Edited by jeremy rundle
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A sticky one for sure and a position I have found myself in. I tried giving positive comments and suggestions but they backfired so now I would just not comment.


Then again, now I am more confident with my own photography, if I posted an image which I really liked but others thought was pants, I would want to know what they thought was pants about it. I used to take images I thought others would like but now, I follow my heart and take images I like and want to take so any comments would be appreciated but not necessarily taken on board.

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I AM and would be honest, tough if you can't take the comment, HOWEVER I always say why


Nothing annoys me and more on sites than the inane

"Nice photo".........................  WHY!


"Great set".......................is it "WHY"


"Nice shot".........................   WHY?


This is of NO use to anyone

Other than they have taken the time to look and leave a reply

On forums that record views there is nothing more disheatening that seeing 192 views and 1 reply

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The secret to giving constructive criticism (and I do realise that if I tell you this, it will no longer be a secret) is this.....


1 - Say something positive about the image.


2 - Make your ctiticism in an intelligent manner - nothing derogatory or insulting, just explain what it is that you feel is wrong and why.


3 - Say something positive about the image to finish.


I know that sounds like the kind of approach a Camera Club judge might use, but it works.


And as your thread title is 'Be Honest', I will be........ when someone makes a stupid, pointless, inane comment on one of my images, I remember I'm wearing my big boy pants and just bloody ignore it. If someone makes intelligent criticism, I decide if I agree and if I do, I take what's been said on board.


None of us, not a single one, on this forum produces work that is beyond criticism. There's no bigger pain in the scrotum than the artist, writer, photographer etc. who believes their work is precious.


And just as a little edit to my comments above......... If I 'like' a photo or a comment or something that's funny, it's because I do actually like it.



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just a point to add peoples, the photo what brung this up is from a friend on Facebook, not a forum.  the picture was bad OOF and taken on a phone!


I would have said "D" (constructive criticism on how to improve), but if you're rushed - as we all are from time to time - then "B" (ignore it and move on).


However, the real life situation you've just outlined changes everything. Here, we're members of a photographic forum, and we should EXPECT some form of criticism (Chrissie, take note! I'd much rather have constructive criticism than nothing at all, hence my signature..). However, people who post on Facebook aren't photographers - mostly - so the same criteria don't apply. Just accept the picture in the spirit it was posted, and don't give it the 'photography critique' at all : 10-to-1 it won't be welcome.

Edited by ChrisLumix
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just a point to add peoples, the photo what brung this up is from a friend on Facebook, not a forum.  the picture was bad OOF and taken on a phone!

In that case Leon, I would say nothing.........the photographer was probably just trying to show something,

rather than attempting to be a........Photographer.


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just a point to add peoples, the photo what brung this up is from a friend on Facebook, not a forum.  the picture was bad OOF and taken on a phone!

for me it would depend on if it was posted on a Facebook photography forum or just out in the open Facebook pages and have they ask for comments on the photograph?

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3 - Say something positive about the image to finish.


If its crap say so


I don't think you would need to word it like that. Telling a person 'that's crap' is as unhelpful as saying 'nice shot'.


I always try to point out things I like about the image and things they could try to perhaps improve on the image next time. No matter the quality of the image, you can always offer advice and something they can build upon.


I am always learning and even if I don't agree with a comment on one of my photos I take the opinion on board in case I find a scenario where I think it does apply.


I've been taking photos for 20 odd years on and off and I am always learning new things and ways to improve - mostly through commentary and other people I find inspiration.


I never learn anything from someone who says 'that's crap' and leaves it at that, other than not to bother reading their replies :)

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 If I like a photograph I say so. But I for one have not the technical expertise to make critical appraisals. I will leave that to the many on here who understand where an image can be improved.

For me a simple 'like it' is enough, it shows I'm doing at least something right !

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