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Clicker and Ryewolf   ADMIN TEAM 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf  ...  Admin Team 

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 Clicker and Ryewolf ...



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Clicker and Ryewolf.   Admin 


The Banker

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Hi, Rick,

You are a man after my own heart.......a Street Photographer with a very keen eye for mono work and processing.

This has been beautifully processed and presented.......more please.


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Overall, I like this very much - there's lots to take in visually and the tiny figure looks overwhelmed by the giant buildings. It suits B&W perfectly.


I'd like to know more about the image than just the title, though.



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Thanks Fuji, for the comments.  B&W is just about all I shoot.


Korky, this was shot from one of the top floors of the Chase Bank Tower in downtown Dallas.  Because of all the weird reflections and light bending going on in the shot, the fellow in the photo is actually in the same building as I and he is a real banker.  He stepped out of the loan division of the bank, for a break, and that is when I caught him in the shot.  I was up there shooting different angles of the downtown area, making use of the oddball reflections and so on, but felt there was something missing.  Suddenly, the banker stepped out of his office and it all fell together.


Thanks to both of you for the comments.

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Yes, that's a great picture. The banker looks as though he has stepped from one world into another. 


I see what you mean about the oddball reflections - what's reflected in the main building's mirror windows doesn't appear to be the scene immediately in front of it; for example that low building isn't there at all apparently.

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