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Getting a little annoyed...

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I, like many here probably, post images and comment of images in numerous Facebook groups.


Why is it, that when a fantastic photo gets posted (not one of mine!), instead of people asking about the idea behind the image, the composition, what the photographer was trying to convey.......you just get "Great picture, what camera  did you use?"


At what point did the camera become more important than the art?

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I think the camera matters more to people who don't take photographs than to those who appreciate the content and take a minute to wonder where, when, how and why it was taken.


I'm with you on the comments like 'What a big camera, I bet that takes great pictures' GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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Ok, I'm going to attempt to put down here what I think on this subject.


I don't care what gear is used to take the picture, mobile phone to top end DSLR, it's the image that's king. The only time I would ask about the gear being used is if there was a shot that clearly had some specialist equipment used, ie an underwater or aerial shot, or maybe a high magnification macro shot. I may ask about camera settings used for a particular shot, but I couldn't care less whether it's a Canikon or a Fujika.


When it comes to asking about the idea behind the image, the composition or what the photographer was trying to convey: I feel that if it is a great photograph, it is for me to work that out for myself; what does this picture say, does it tell a story etc. If a photographer has spent time and effort capturing and editing a picture, I personally don't feel confident enough to question the work. On the other hand, if I like an image I will attempt to let you know what it is that speaks to me.


One of the things that seems to go hand in hand with social media and forums is the like button. It's very easy just to give every picture posted a "like", but I only use it when I think it's a great image and feel that anything I say will not add to the conversation.


Hmmm, I've just deleted several paragraphs of ramblings. I'l just say that comments like "nice picture" and "you must have a good camera" do annoy me sometimes, but at least they said something, even though it seems they didn't know what else to say!





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Well here is the other side of the coin, I do care what is used to take the image.


In fact where possible in the past not only have I said what gear was used, camera lens etc but when I do a shot such as bursting a balloon with water I will even show how it is done.


Also I have never ever in all the years I have been taking photos had that said, nice pic what gear, if they did ask I would say, as I am not only proud of my gear but happy to show it off if the need be, com on what photographer doesn't want to show off their nice new lens.

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Well here is the other side of the coin, I do care what is used to take the image.


In fact where possible in the past not only have I said what gear was used, camera lens etc but when I do a shot such as bursting a balloon with water I will even show how it is done.


Also I have never ever in all the years I have been taking photos had that said, nice pic what gear, if they did ask I would say, as I am not only proud of my gear but happy to show it off if the need be, com on what photographer doesn't want to show off their nice new lens.


But that's the point we're all making - it's not what you've got, it's what you do with it! There's tech tarts in every hobby - hifi, biking, cars, you name it. Bottom line, it really doesn't matter if at the end of day you can actually use the thing to good effect.

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I have no problem with talking about the camera settings I used, the lens I chose etc....


But what annoys me is that after spending a day driving about, trekking through fields, mud, puddles and cow poo, climbing over countless walls and getting cut to shreds on countless brambles, to get to that one point I know will give me the angle I want, then sitting and waiting for the sun to drop to the right position and stay out from the clouds long enough, after firing test shot after test shot to ensure I have the exp I want, then getting myself back to car, driving back home, loading my image and spending an hr or two adjusting the image, correcting and re-adjusting until I can see on screen what was in my minds eye and then finally posting it for all to see....I get back the response......"great picture, what camera did that?"

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But Matt, responses like that surely do not come from the serious photographic community. It's like when people accuse Sebastain Vettel of only being the world champion F1 driver because he has the best car and wealthiest sponsors. 12 months ago I may have asked of your work, "what camera did that", only because I didn't know how else to respond. Maybe when folk ask you what camera did that, you should explain exactly what it takes to get a shot like that.

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Matt what a damn good point!!


I post miles more pictures on facebook but they are nearly all motorsport pictures, not too many fans on here so I don't really bother, on facebook I get lots of comments but no one asks what camera.


and Yes I have a base model 1000D  :)

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It will depend on the group I guess but groups of none photographers tend to think the image will be because of your gear whereas photo groups will be more interested in the settings or the technique.


Matt you might want to take up something gentle like still life - sounds as if your photographic trips are a bit stressful  :dizzy:

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But Matt, responses like that surely do not come from the serious photographic community. It's like when people accuse Sebastain Vettel of only being the world champion F1 driver because he has the best car and wealthiest sponsors. 12 months ago I may have asked of your work, "what camera did that", only because I didn't know how else to respond. Maybe when folk ask you what camera did that, you should explain exactly what it takes to get a shot like that.


Bad example - Vettel is a very good driver, but not better than Lewis Hamilton, which this season is being proved rather emphatically!!!

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Methinks that Mid-Summer Madness has come early this year.

To keep within the original theme of this thread........I am lucky enough now to own two very beautiful cameras, a Sony A55 which is getting a bit dated now, but I won't change it.

Then, my newly acquired Panasonic GX7, an expensive little beast........it takes superb shots through a £25 Chinese made CCTV lens from eBay..........

The debate, is one if those round-robin ones having no real answer.........so folks.....please sit down, smell the coffee, imbibe a glass or three of the red or amber stuff, then forget all that debating.........then, when your heads gave stopped spinning....

Take out the camera and lenses YOU HAVE, then use your Photographers Eyes, to seek out then shoot, good photographs.................

........Better Now?


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"But what annoys me is that after spending a day driving about, trekking through fields, mud, puddles and cow poo, climbing over countless walls and getting cut to shreds on countless brambles, to get to that one point I know will give me the angle I want, then sitting and waiting for the sun to drop to the right position and stay out from the clouds long enough, after firing test shot after test shot to ensure I have the exp I want, then getting myself back to car, driving back home, loading my image and spending an hr or two adjusting the image, correcting and re-adjusting until I can see on screen what was in my minds eye and then finally posting it for all to see....I get back the response......"great picture, what camera did that?"




And they did say "Great picture", then.....................


I think we are forgetting people who say this probably aren't photographers, big deal, I have openly heard people stop and talk to fishermen when they have caught a fish and ask what they use, none appear to care about the question.


Also I often ask what gear another uses when they are obviously a "photographer" because I have on two occasions bought gear on their advice

Edited by jeremy rundle
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I usually say something like, none of my cameras take photos,.. I leave them on the table all day and when I get back to check them none of them have taken any photos.

Edited by pdcpic
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well.....today I could have done with a better camera, managed to get a media pass, sat near a nice high kerb on a chicane, missed almost every car hopping the kerb.... 3FPS simply is not quick enough.....



but, I bet when I post the images I have on facebook no one asks me what camera??

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