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Winter Subjects?

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well winter is just around the corner, guess the ones with the Zimmer frames will not be venturing out so much, we need a list of indoor subjects so we can tackle them.


water drops


jewelry maybe?

circuit board   (old one with capacitors maybe, yes I am sad :) )

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I am only 54 but worried my shiny new titanium hip might freeze up if it gets cold and i have to go out, i have a full selection of disabled aids.........Extended shoe horn, raised bog seat, sock putter onner, crutches, walking sticks! Blimey i have enough subjects there to keep me going!

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"water drops


jewellery maybe?

circuit board   (old one with capacitors maybe, yes I am sad"


But you don't like macro! :yes You go out doing these cold outside ones and we will stay in for the warm ideas:-










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Having had a steroid injection in the sole of my foot I'm sitting next to the radiator to keep my bad knee warm before the brace goes back on, whilst the tens machine attempts to ease the pain in my back.  I'm not that much older than you Leon :-)


To be honest, I like being out and about in the winter - there are fewer people about to get in the way or ask if I'm taking photos! 

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Having had a steroid injection in the sole of my foot I'm sitting next to the radiator to keep my bad knee warm before the brace goes back on, whilst the tens machine attempts to ease the pain in my back.  I'm not that much older than you Leon :-)


To be honest, I like being out and about in the winter - there are fewer people about to get in the way or ask if I'm taking photos! 

I'd much rather be out in the cold, I overheat in summer!!, and as you say its far quieter.

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lighter longer might be good - but look at the potential for long exposure and low light stuff, plus you get the blue and golden hours at reasonable times of day :-) and the air always seems clearer when its cold!


If my TENS broke I suspect it would be the end of the world (or straight out to get a new one) - the joys of playing competitive rugby when younger - mind, mine is turned up so high I only know one other person who could use it without crying out :-)

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Leon..........now see what you have started, a thread cross between the chat on a hospital ward and winter projects for photography............Weeeeell!...........I have an idea that combines the two.

Indoor photography projects.....

Tablets and capsules can be different colours and shapes.......

Make patterns, take macro shots of them.

Drop a tablet into a glass water to shoot it still fizzing as it descends.

Arrange your Zimmer and Walking Sticks as a.........Still-Life subject........together with sprays of Autumn Leaves.

Medication can be prescribed as coloured liquids, plenty of opportunity to shoot them against the light or using a torch.

Drop tablets into a glass of water from a height, shoot the resulting splash.

Close ups of scars..........as a comp........to guess the operation.

Arrange all your prescriptions nicely on a board as a .....Still Life.

Use your specs as ......Add-On......lenses, use Elastoplast to attach them to your camera, for Arty Results.

Above all........Have a fun! ;-)

FOOJ , ducks and dives ( as well as he can at his age) as he exit's rapidly, ducking as he does so.

SERIOUSLY THOUGH.........The dark days and Long nights of winter can be great for using light......any light......creatively.

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Technically a lot of the "bug" photography you called macro should be correctly called close-up photography since "macro" is supposedly 1:1 (1X) magnification on the sensor or greater and even that term is incorrect though it has become common in non-scientific photographic circles through photojournalists misusing it in photo magazines.


"Close-up photography is where the reproduction ratio is from 1:10 to 1:1. Many so called "macro" photographs are really close-up photographs."


The correct term for images on the sensor 1:1 or larger is photomacrography.  However the incorrect term "macro" has now been generally adopted by non-scientific photographic circles, and particularly by photographic manufacturers stamping it on things like "macro zooms", that even those who know the correct term now use it as shorthand for close-up photography.


Macrophotography as Kodak pointed out years ago originally meant making very large prints. I suppose you could call advertising hoardings that are blow ups of photo's macrophotography. Conversely microphotography is not photography through the microscope but making very tiny photo's, two examples being microfilming and microdot spy messages that the "James Bond's" of the world use stuck behind say a postage stamp. And yes you've guessed it, the correct name for photography through the microscope is photomicrography!




These terms were originally invented by the scientific community for their technical photography. The general photographic community only adopted them much later and often misapplied them since photojournalists writing in photographic magazines are no scientists!

Edited by DaveW
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Technically a lot of the "bug" photography you called macro should be correctly called close-up photography since "macro" is supposedly 1:1 (1X) magnification on the sensor or greater and even that term is incorrect, though it has become common in non-scientific photographic circles through photojournalists misusing it in photo magazines.


"Close-up photography is where the reproduction ratio is from 1:10 to 1:1. Many so called "macro" photographs are really close-up photographs."

The correct term for images on the sensor 1:1 or larger is photomacrography.  However the incorrect term "macro" has now been generally adopted by non-scientific photographic circles, and particularly by photographic manufacturers stamping it on things like "macro zooms", that even those who know the correct term now use it as shorthand for close-up photography.


Macrophotography as Kodak pointed out years ago originally meant making very large prints. I suppose you could call advertising hoardings that are blow ups of photo's macrophotography. Conversely microphotography is not photography through the microscope but making very tiny photo's two examples being microfilming and microdot spy messages that the "James Bond's" of the world use stuck behind say a postage stamp. And yes you've guessed it, the correct name for photography through the microscope is photomicrography!




Dave what is your photography Forte?    you provide us all with loads of very useful web resources but I cant recall many photographic posts?

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My main hobby has taken over this year as I had a 1000+ plants to re-pot, therefore I have not done much if any photography. General photography usually does not interest me at all, though I did the basics at night school many years ago and model photography when I belonged to a camera club. 


There are a few of my images in the Gallery section, unfortunately late last year after changing from 32bit Vista to 64bit Windows 7, which put my images into "Windows Old" files, I then copied those images to Elements Organiser or so I thought using  their transfer function to supposedly put them there. I then deleted the "Windows Old" files on the hard disk only to find that when Elements said it transferred them to the Organiser it simply meant it had linked to the "Old" files on the disk, therefore I finished up with a load of thumbnails which when clicked on could not find the originals!  I lost quite a few hundred images that way and have not got around to taking them again, so always check so called transfer facilities actually do make a copy and not just produce a linked thumbnail. I have in fact had to reclaim images I posted on various web sites by resaving them to my computer to get them back.


My main interest is in so called "macro" photography and at the moment I am building a rig for higher magnification photomacrography using among other things a Stackshot plus a reversed enlarger lens on bellows etc, but it is taking time to acquire the bits and to get around to finishing it. Some parts were obtained in the USA by a friend of mine whilst he was based there as I could not get them easily in the UK. This is a quick grab shot of progress so far, there is a dual axis slide to go onto the specimen end but I am not happy the present bracket is tall enough but it is hard having no machining facilities to make what I want so I will have to see if I can find something better I can use:-




For those who don't know what a stack shot is see:-


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